I was raised Catholic. My boyfriend is Christian. we want to get married and I have decided I want to become Christian. My Mom Is against it but the only thing she says is that i'm confused. My boyfriend talks to me ALOT about the bible and i don't mind hearing it. I actually like hearing it. So the question is. Why is me becoming Christian such a bad thing? I'm not talking bad on Catholics but to me I think the Christian way is better. Am i wrong.
Please no rude comments Just let me know your opinion.
What's the true difference between Catholic and Christian?
That Catholics pray to saints?
So to my fellow Catholics where in the bible does it say Mary does Miracles? My boyfriend has asked me that and I as a Catholic do not know the answer. Actually all of the questions he's asked I haven't been able to find in the bible and I'm Catholic.
That's why I decided to try to become Christian. Nothing in the Catholic religion makes since to me. Please voice your opinion.Need Advice. Catholic or Christian Best answer 10 points.?
Good for you on deciding to follow the truth rather than a lie............
First %26amp; foremost: Pray about it.
Second: Kudos to your boyfriend for sharing the truth.
Third: Talk to a pastor and get into the word for yourself....GOd will reveal more truth to you as you seek HimNeed Advice. Catholic or Christian Best answer 10 points.?
I don't think there's that big of a difference between Catholicism and Christianity. Catholics are more traditional normally, and they have priests instead of pastors. Of course, there are a lot more differences, but I think that if you are more interested in Christianity and you'll follow it more than Catholicism, it shouldn't be a big deal if you convert.
You sound like someone who just participates in religion for the fun of it--you don't really believe that it's true or you would know a heck of a lot more about the religion you were raised in AND other religions.
Do a little research and find out what the truth is about all religions. You will be surprised what you find.
so, you are searching for all the answers for truth only from the bible? Well, read Timothy 3:15 or 16. Then do what it refers you to do for the answers for the truth you need.
As a catholic convert, I am not necessarily interested in other's opinions, I am rather interested in facts, so I look for truth. not opinions, which happily, as a catholic, I don't have to settle for opinions, I , can get the truth of the matter, thru not only the bible, but also the church. Just as the bible tells me.
catholic church gave the world the bible, not the bible made the church.
You need to speak to your priest and make a plan to educate yourself about the Catholic faith before you make any decision. I don't know how you could be so unknowledgeable when you were raised Catholic. There's too much you need to understand for me to type in one answer.
You should take an RCIA class, even though you're not a convert. You will learn all the basics of Catholicism, plus be able to ask any question you want and get the correct answer.
From my perspective and I'm not Catholic nor Christian.. but you need to speak with someone who is not directly involved in this situation.. my dear, you are already a Christian, Catholics are christians.. you don't seem to know this, therefore you can be very easily manipulated and in fact you are gullible and not ready for marriage .. marriage is a sacrament for adults and you have a long way to go.. age does not make an adult..
If you are Catholic you are already fully Christian. The Catholic Church is the original Christian Church, the only Church founded by Jesus Christ, and the only Church approved by Him. What you are thinking of becoming is Protestant, not Christian. Protestantism is a manmade tradition of thousands of unauthorized denominations which teach a mix of genuine Christian truth received from the Catholic Church, and manmade doctrines introduced by their many human founders. They cannot even agree among themselves on a single doctrinal truth. You were raised having it all. Don't throw it away for anything less.
So what's in a name, catholics, christian, baptist, jewish, islamic etc... Just believe what is in your heart. You don't really need to classify yourself. Believe in what you believe in. Don't worry about what others think. Be yourself, afterall, religions are all just fabrications of human ideas.
I'm catholic and I think the only differences are that catholics are more strict sex wise. like even using a condom is a sin or birth control, which i'm sure you use. And I don't think that christians believe in the virgin mary, Well that she was a Virgin. Not to sure but thats pretty much it. Your better off going with your fiance' You won't go to hell for having sex.
Your opening statement Catholic or Christian does indeed show some confusion as your mother has wisely pointed out as well as showing you have much to learn before jumping ship. Have you studied the Reformation and ever wondered if Protestants had it all figured out why there are over 32,000 different church denominations? Also if I ask you or a protestant congregation to pray for me am I really praying to them and their minister?
Michael Kelly
If ';nothing in the Catholic religion makes since (sic) to'; you, then you'll have a lot of difficulties becoming a Christian. There are differences but there are more similarities than you may realize. Like the fact that Catholics are one of the Christian denominations!
You and your boyfriend are unequally yoked. You should become a Christain before you get married. If not, you could have major problems.
As far as I know, Mary didn't perform miracles- and she probably wouldn't appreciate people praying to her. Not meaning to put you down.
God bless you on your journey. I hope you will accept Jesus into your heart if you haven't already.
Okay, This is difficult for me to answer SIMPLY because im not familiar with the Catholic faith...
However, I say, do as you please and follow your heart...
You are being led to Christianity for a reason and you should never let anyone change your heart. Do it because that is what you hear when you pray about your change in heart!
Please pray about what you should do and surely God will let you know what is right!
Much Agape to all! %26lt;3
1. Catholics are a subgroup of 'Christians'.
2. Test; (typically T or F). The 'old testament' is Genesis-Malachi. (My present answer; F).
3. Yes, it is scriptural to ask the mother of the king for XYZ. Is Jesus king; and Mary mother of the king? (Bathsheba, Solomon, and Adonijah).
4. I will stop here for now; P.S. I am not Catholic presently.
I went to a Catholic high school. From what I could see, the Catholics' lives were no different from anyone elses in the world. They don't do much to set themselves apart, other than a big smudge on their forehead on Ash Wednesday. I think it was Jesus who said, you will know them by their fruit. It is a rare Catholic who goes to God with their decisions.
You and your husband should join the local Methodist congregation. Then you will both learn both of you know about as much about religion as a dingle berry on a gnat's *** knows about world geography.
Go with your heart and instincts; Christ is the answer. Don't let ritual and doctrine get in the way. Study the Bible and let it guide your faith.
I have a website that can answer many questions you have. Go to
They have answers to the questions you were asking about. As a Catholic you already are a Christian by the way.
All what you say is 100% right.If you decide to be a Christian:
Congratulations!God bless you every single day, and forever in your marriage.
If you would like more answers, consider asking around this site as well...
you need to follow your own heart , I sincerely wish you the best, read the bible for yourself ,what does it tell you
How can you have been raised Catholic and not know that Catholics ARE Christian?????
I think you mean Catholics or Protestants!
Go with which ever one you want. Don't let your mother or your boyfriend sway your opinion. If you really watn to convert, then do it. Do which ever one makes you happy.
is he Protestant??? dyk that your relig is also Christian? No its not bad if he believes the Trinity....ask him.....
Catholics are much more strict.... Mary does no miracles...shes asleep in her grave....
Based on your complete lack of knowledge about the Catholics, I am thinking troll.
Don't know, 10 points please!
NOTE: I use a lot of capital letters not to yell, but to emphasize certain words, since Yahoo Answers doesn't allow HTML or BBS codes.
Sounds like you should look up and do some research on ';Apologetics'; or the ';defense of the faith using logic'; Apologetics uses the bible..but it also appeals to logic.
Although many Catholics unfortunately use the phrase ';pray to'; as a shorthand...they shouldn't do this in my opinion as it confuses Protestants. The Catholic church does not actually teach to pray to saints and mary but to pray THRU. BIG difference. If I pray TO you, like a god, that is wrong, if I pray THRU you, then I merely ask you to pray to GOD on my behalf...which is very christian, it emphasizes God's role, since I ask you to pray to him, and it shows humility that I come to you for help.
Many places in the bible it says to pray for each other. - To intercede on each others behalf. That even angels in heaven can hear what we say and do on Earth. Catholics also believe in praying directly to God, but ALSO to ask each other to intercede on each others behalf.
Ask your boyfriend, IF it is OK to intercede on each others behalf..WHY, necessarily does this stop at death? Is he saying that God lacks the POWER to allow people in heaven to hear our requests to pray on our behalf? What authority does he have to put limits on God's power? Isn't it safer to assume that if God wants people to hear our petitions in heaven..they can? Ask him who better to pray on your behalf... a person here on Earth which is struggling with their own issues...or someone in Heaven, who is purified and no longer sinning?
Ask him who HE would listen to more...a stranger OR his own Earthly mother?
Also realize that MOST christians or ';protestants'; as the Catholic church collectively refers to them (remember that the catholic church is the original christian faith) believe in ';sole scriptura'; or Bible Alone. The idea that the bible is sufficient for ALL teaching, instruction, and inspiration.
Slight problem with this idea... The bible did not exist for the first 325-400 years (depending on which date or council you use) of Christianity. SO.. what happened to all the teachings and practices before then? Were those teachings lost? Did that mean that the bible made SOME of those things WRONG, after the fact?
Another issue... Where in the bible does it say it is sufficient for ALL teaching and inspiration? CAN something legitimize itself? Anotherwards, if it DID claim to be completely sufficient...is it so simply because it says so? -- Anotherwards, can I make myself king of the world by simply saying I'm the king of the world? SO, if the bible doesn't claim to be sufficient...then WHERE did ';sole scriptura'; come from?
Another issue... The Catholic church decided what went into bible. It did this in pieces or parts from about 168AD to approximately 325AD. The Council of Trent in 325 finally laid down what was in the bible. So it was the Catholic church which ';gave the bible authority to instruct the faithful'; by deciding what was divinely inspired and what wasn't. The bible only has the authority we give it. The Catholic church was the only group who could decide this, because it had kept ALL the teachings of the early christians and disciples alive, so it alone knew how to discern what was written by the disciples and what was not. -- The greatest thing the Catholic church did was giving the world the bible..yet people use that to say the Catholic church has no authority, no place in interpreting the bible and that ANY MAN can interpret it. It is sad that the very thing the Catholic church gave the world is used to create a separate doctrine of ';sole scriptura';
ALSO.. The protestant reformation actually threw OUT 7 books of the OT they didn't like, around 1500s. Books like Macabee which elludes to the existence of Purgatory. When Protestants say some of the things the Catholic church believes are not in the bible..it is because they threw those books OUT! -- how corrupt is that? The bible that most protestants follow now-a-days is different then the one the Catholic church created and went unchallenged for over 1500 years. SO, ask what authority did Martin Luther have to throw out 7 books which had stood for 1500 years? AND what is stopping protestants NOW, from throwing out MORE books they don't agree with. Why can't you or I throw out some stuff NOW? Why is the bible fixed NOW, but was editable int he 1500s? It has been 500 years since then.. why not revise it a bit? -- So sole scriptura seems shakey if we can alter the bible, as protestants have.
Search www.catholic.com or Google for a lot of these objections he is coming up with. If you listen to the Catholic rebuttal to a lot of these things you'll find it makes MORE sense, then the other position.
I also like the site www.biblechristiansociety.org
Catholics have the Catechism.. a huge encyclopedia of what they believe and how the church stands on different issues. Ask him if his church has such a book, which outlines their belief on just about EVERYTHING.
Ask him what denomination he is.. he may not even know. Christian is not a denomination. Like saying you drive a Ford...OK, but what kind. Having a denomination, tells people alot about what doctrine you follow....otherwise you follow your OWN religion and make it up as you go along, which is what a lot of christians do.
I STRONGLY believe that your boyfriend is sent by God for more than the reasons you think. God is challenging you to SEEK truth. I too, USED to be Catholic, but later left that faith. It wasn't until I was born-again through the Holy Spirit, did I come to see the Catholic faith as NOT THE FAITH FOR ME.
The one thing that bothered me was that Catholics DO NOT BELIEVE in SOLA—SCRIPTURE. The WORD of GOD is not good enough for them.
Ask other Catholics about purgatory and they will pull out their Catechism book instead of the bible.
The bible is our map. It is the only map you need in this world.
My opinion is that first you pray very hard for God to open your eyes. If you are sincere in your prayer AND your SEARCH, He will guide you to all truth.
And as for your mother, she is acting out of ignorance—she is “walking in darkness”.
Whatever you do—DO NOT STOP LISTENING TO YOUR BOYFRIEND READ THE BIBLE. God maybe using him to reach out to you.
God Bless
Now watch all the Catholics give me thumbs down.
Catholics are Christians. (I typed that really slowly)
It isn't a matter of 'nothing making sense'..........it's a matter of you not understanding your Catholic CHRISTIAN faith. And I don't mean that in a rude way - I mean it sincerely. I was once like you. I set out to prove the Catholic Church wrong. And all my searching and studying led me right into the arms of the Church. Try it.
The true difference between Catholic Christians and other kinds of Christians is NOT about the saints.
Look up the Nicene Creed, which is the most compact statement of faith that Catholics have. Ask your boyfriend to read it with you. I guarantee, he will agree with EVERYTHING on it, except for perhaps the communion of saints and the concept of ';one holy, catholic (universal) Church.';
Catholics believe that Jesus created ONE Church and only intended there to be ONE Church. ';Catholic'; means ';universal'; which means ';one.'; It's the ';umbrella'; church.
Catholics can trace their entire history back to Jesus giving Peter the keys and making him the earthly head of this ONE Church. Your boyfriend's non-Catholic Church was probably formed in the last 150 years (after all, most of them were), but it was more than likely an offshoot of this church, which was an offshoot of that church, which was an offshoot of another church, which was an offshoot of yet another church and on and on, back to the Protestant ';reformation,'; when several people split off from the Catholic Church. So even your boyfriend's church is part of this one, holy Catholic Church. That's why Catholics believe that Christians like your boyfriend are still part of the one Church, even though those other kinds of Christians often do not think so.
Now then, Catholics do NOT believe that Mary does miracles. The fact that you even ask this question shows me that you really don't know all that much about Catholicism. Your mother obviously didn't do a very good job making sure you were educated properly, even though she promised to do so when you were baptized.
Catholics believe that Mary prays to Jesus for miracles and that Jesus does the miracles. The Scriptural support for this is John 2, the wedding at Cana. Mary sought Jesus' help on behalf of others, and even though it wasn't quite time for Him to start His earthly ministry, He granted her request. This is how we know that we can ask Mary to pray with us and for us. (If that wasn't the message, then John could have left the whole Mary part out of the story. However, he included her so we know her role is important.)
If you want scriptural answers to your boyfriend's questions about Catholicism, go to www.scripturecatholic.com.
Also, it's fine for you to learn more about his Christian church, but you should also take the time to learn more about Catholicism before you cross it off. You and your boyfriend should take a class in Catholicism together so that you can learn together and all his questions can be answered. The class is free, RCIA, and they just began within the last month but you can still sign up and get the education you need.
You have got to be the most confused Catholic I've ever come across.
Listen to your MOTHER.
Your judgment is too vulnerable.
God bless
P.S. Tell you mom you've been convinced she's not a Christian.
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