Monday, December 21, 2009

I am becoming Catholic. Does anyone have advice for me on the process?

Since I was a cradle Catholic (term for catholics raised by catholic parents aka from the cradle) I don't have a ton.

But here are some things that I am proud of about my faith..

Realize that the Catholic church is not just about faith but also about Philosophy and Reason, as well, making it much deeper then most other denominations who focus primarily on only faith. Look into ';Apologetics'; which is ';defense of the faith using reason'; if you like using logic and sound reasoning to understand your faith better.

Realize that everything the Catholic church teaches is supported in Scripture... even if it doesn't appear so at first glance. The Hail Mary, which many people attack is almost 100% taken from Luke cahpter 1, so IF you decide to pray the Hail Mary, you are quoting scripture.

Realize that the Catholic church created or at least assembled the bible, so it has some authority in interpreting it. The bible has authority because the Church has authority. Not the other way around. If anyone believes in the bible.. they believe in a Catholic document and impart, the authority of the Catholic church which made it.

Use your online resources to answer questions or challenges to your faith. Don't be afraid to say, ';I don't know, but I'll find out';

Sites like and

Even check out can be a great resource.

Realize that the Catholic church is the largest non-governmental provider of Health Care, Education and Relief Aid in the world. 1 in 5 patients in the US are treated in a Catholic Hospital. Even the Vatican itself has a Pharmacy that is open to the public.

This means that while other faiths talk about their faith.. The Catholic church is busy, rolling up her sleeves and getting dirty, DOING the work of Christ that others only talk about.

HECK, it is the only Christian faith to have a seat on the United Nations Council, as a sovereign nation.

Your faith is not based on MEN, if so, then the scandals of the church should make you flee from it. BUT true faith is NOT based on what men do, therefore, the scandals in the church, while terrible and gut wrenching, do not change the truth of its teachingsI am becoming Catholic. Does anyone have advice for me on the process?
don't be deterred in your process either by the many people who do not like the catholic faith or by schismatics who are unsatisfied with the second vatican council.

In stead find inspiration in the lives of the saints, if you have questions consult your catechism, your priest RCIA teacher.

Also if you have questions this website is a wonderful resource they also have a live radio show each day where you can call and ask questions.

The catholic church is wonderful, welcome.I am becoming Catholic. Does anyone have advice for me on the process?
The Catholic Church holds that there is one eternal God, who exists as a mutual indwelling of three persons: the Father; the Son, Jesus; and the Holy Spirit. Catholic beliefs are summarized in the Nicene Creed and detailed in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.The Nicene Creed also forms the central statement of belief of other Christian denominations Chief among these are Eastern Orthodox Christians, whose beliefs are similar to those of Catholics, differing mainly with regard to papal infallibility, the filioque clause (Latin meaning: ';and from the son';) and the immaculate conception of Mary. Protestant churches vary in their beliefs, but generally differ from Catholics regarding the pope, church tradition, the Eucharist and issues pertaining to grace, good works and salvation.

The Council of Jerusalem, convened by the apostles around the year 50 to clarify Church teachings, set the example for later councils of the Church, convened by Church leaders throughout history for similar purposes.

Based on the promises of Jesus in the Gospels, the Church believes that it is continually guided by the Holy Spirit and so protected infallibly from falling into doctrinal error. The Catholic Church teaches that the Holy Spirit reveals God's truth through Sacred Scripture, Sacred Tradition and the Magisterium Sacred Scripture, or the Catholic Bible, consists of the same books found in the Greek version of the Old Testament—known as the Septuagint —and the 27 New Testament writings first founded in the Codex Vaticanus and listed in Athanasius' Thirty-Ninth Festal Letter.These scriptures make up the 73-book Catholic bible in contrast with the shorter, 66-book bible used by most Protestants.The books and works that are upheld as canonical by the Catholic Church but not by some other groups are known as the Deuterocanonicals. Sacred Tradition consists of those teachings believed by the Church to have been handed down since the time of the Apostles. Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradition are collectively known as the ';deposit of faith'; (depositum fidei). These are in turn interpreted by the Magisterium, the teaching authority of the Church, which derives through apostolic succession from the college of bishops in union with the pope.

If you measure success by money, children, or other common goals to a secular life, then in your eyes your son will not be successful. If you measure success through your son’s eyes, his desire to answer the call and meet the challenges of leading a life in Christ and serving people to find the same, then you will be on the same page as he is and see the possibilities.
Just an hero. There are already far too many of you idiots. Read a ******* book for Christ's sake. Read the Bible, even. Even your tiny, feeble, little brain ought to suffice in spotting the blatant inconsistencies and fallacies. Catholicism is a malignant growth on the already cancerous tumor that is mainstream religion.
To get more knowledge into it just attend Bible Classes and mass every Sunday. Speak to the Preist after mass about things that you are not sure of. He will be more then welcome to help you. Becoming a Catholic isnt as difficult as becoming a Mormon or anyother religon. Its pretty straight forward. But become one if YOU want to. Not if your Partner is one and he wants you too.

Good Luck
My advice:



║Those who regard a freedom from the false morals and obsolete

║practices regarding sex or religion as debauched are doing naught

║but corrupting their minds with foolishness.

║My morals come from compassion; my compassion from

║understanding. And I seek to know and understand... everything.

yes,accept Isalm instead, it is the only true religion ......way of life..... remember one God (Allah) all the rest are prophets,,,and Mohammed, is the last messenger,(pbuh)peace and blessings upon him.......
Don't drink the water...
Run as fast and as far as you can!
Stay away from progressives in the Church. They are wolves in sheep's clothing,and are responsible for all the pedophilia. Go to SSPX or some traditional church that has the Latin Mass.
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