Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm a Catholic priest but I think I'd like to become a Satanist. Any advice?

you are a priest and your name is Biff?I'm a Catholic priest but I think I'd like to become a Satanist. Any advice?
By the way Fr. Chuck told me he is a cannibal.

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I'm a Catholic priest but I think I'd like to become a Satanist. Any advice?
Well since you are thinking about it here is a little refresher for you about who you are desiring to follow.


Isaiah 14:13-14 - The 5 things Satan wanted:

1. Lucifer wanted God's place. ';I will ascend into heaven.'; He wanted to move God off His throne.

2. Lucifer wanted God's position. ';I will exalt my throne above the stars of God.'; ';Stars'; = angels of God. Lucifer was never the Commander-in-Chief of the angelic army, but he was a Five-Star General. He was not happy just being in charge of the cherubim; he wanted sole authority over all the angels without submitting himself to the authority of the Creator. He wanted to eliminate God from the scene.

3. He wants to control all the universe--absolute control. ';I will also sit on the mount of the congregation on the farthest sides of the north.';

4. He was no longer happy to be a reflector of his Creator, he wanted to be the originator. ';I will ascend above the heights of the clouds.'; Of the 150 references to clouds in the Bible, over 100 of them are related to the presence and glory of God. Lucifer was saying he was going to take to himself a greater glory than the glory of God.

5. He wanted to be responsible to no one but himself. He wanted total independence. ';I will be like the Most High.';

His Punishment: Therefore I cast you as a profane thing out of the mount of God (28:16). I destroyed you, O covering cherub, from the midst of the fiery stones'; (vs. 16) I cast you to the ground (vs. 17) I laid you before kings, that they might gaze at you (vs 17) I brought fire from your devoured you. (vs. 18) I turned you to ashes upon the earth (vs 18)

Lucifer's proud heart was the reason for his fall, and the Bible tells us he did indeed fall, and took some of the angels with him. (Rev. 12:7-12) Some believe that Satan's fall to earth took place at Jesus' resurrection or ascension. What we must remember is that Christ is victorious, but the devil is not a symbol or legend, he is very real. He is an angel turned into a devil by pride. And pride is still a very real temptation that faces us persistently--because Satan is seeking to reproduce himself--the most prideful being of all. ';The Devil sleeps like an animal in the shadow of good works waiting for us to conceive a secret admiration of ourselves.';

stop lying about being a Catholic priest
I looked over all the questions you've asked. Interesting speculations you ask for. All somewhat obscene and reflecting a dysfunctional mind. But hey, I think we are all more or less dysfunctional. Your, is a bit less under control than others, however. lol

I've only quoted ';Rev. Trask'; once before, but in your case, I believe he would have these words for you: ';Come to Jesus.!';
I think you're 'full of it' and are not a priest.
Satan has reserved a place for you.
ask rev. trask

or are you just trying to ';parody'; him?
That's quite a lifestyle swap. I say you make a compromise, quit being a priest if you don't like it anymore and getta regular job. That way you're away from religion without the crazy satanic stuff.
Take a number and follow the line.
I have more support for Luciferists...

That is, those who rebel against the rules set by the creator.
all the girls say:';biff-barf!';(or boys)

you need a psychiatrist, QUICK!
By being a catholic priest,you already are worshipping Satan.

There is only one true religion and only one True God,whose name is Jehovah not ';Lord'; or ';God'; and he definitely is not part of a trinity.

So you already are eating from the table of demons
Hang out with the Goth kids who fancy themselves to be Satanists? (they aren't, but we'll keep that between you and me)

That was great, thanks for the laugh.
Check out the church of satans website. Its pretty good.

Yes, my son ... listen to most of the christian advice found in here, practice as they preach ...

soon, you too will be a satanist!
Well you would have to be more specific. There are several types of Satanists.....from the ones who (like mental patients) actually believe in God and Satan the powers and that when the world ends, Satan is fated to lose, yet these people still take Satan's side.....and other Satanists who actually don't believe in Satan or God, only themselves.

I think you should do some more reading on the subject and search your heart. To be a priest you would have had to go through much training and read much scripture. Has all of this lost meaning to you? Search your will tell you what you should do.
Take some time off to find yourself. You obviously aren't in a good state to lead god fearing people.
If you really are a Catholic priest, you are going to hell. No Catholic is supposed to want to change their religion. I hope you burn.
Yeah, take all the catholic rules and do the opposite....hehehehehheheheheheheheh
rape a goat ?
Hmm... the gospel according to Biff... No that's already copyrighted.

You are certainly a jester.
Yes start sacrificing chickens and get 666 tattooed on you head.
Why change for the same ?
You already are
Satanism is mostly about giving in to human indulgences so just let lose. Also, Satanists don't sacrifice things and they don't even really worship Satan. Have fun I guess.
You Can't Fool Me And The Other People Who Serves GOD.....This Is Just A Another One Of Satan's Tactics To Degrade Anyone Who Serves God!...... Haven't You Heard?...';You Can Fool Some Of The People Some Of The Time, But You Can't Fool All Of The People All Of The Time';......

JESUS Said You Would Do That!!!...Keep Proving Him Right!
Will we be able to tell any difference?
I get the joke.
I don't kow but the guy that answered first is hott!!!!
you all ready know that answer

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