Monday, December 21, 2009

Catholic Relationship advice?

Hey need some relationship advice.

Basically I am now dating a lovely catholic girl. but being catholic but not 100 % =P I know she has kissed guys before. but dont know if i should kiss her straight away, i have only being seeing her for the past day, and all I did was Kiss her on the cheek.

Should I kiss her properly (frenchy =P) or normal or not at all!

Sorry for the terrible formation of the question.

The Pmiester :)Catholic Relationship advice?
Regardless of whether she is Catholic or not you need to let the relationship go on its own speed, just with any other relationship.

You don't say how old you are, but most of the time if you just keep things comfortable, kiss her on the cheek, hug her, until it seems as if she wants more, then approach her with a gentle kiss on the lips. Most girls will let you know if they want more.Catholic Relationship advice?
Just because she's Catholic, does not mean that she is fridged! Just kiss her!
Yes, kiss her on the cheek until you are married - then My Karumba!!!!!.

p.s. my name is Josep### no Beni.
Gargle beforehand
Get over the Catholic part and treat her as you would anyone else. She's not an alien! u want to kiss her? does she want to kiss you? doesnt matter that shes catholic or not, if its only kissing, go for it, why not? It say kiss her like you respect her first time...and dont try to eat her...:)
No u don't sound like a prick you sound like a guy that cares well i guess you would wait a week untill you think about frech kissing and maybe by that time you can talk to her about it some catholic girls stick strong to their religion and some you wouldn't even realise they were caltholic so i guess by the sounds of it she will let you kiss her but like i said the best thing would be to somehow talk to her about what she is and isn't comfortable doing of luck x
Catholic girls are not an alien species!! She's a girl - it's lovely that you respect her religion, but just respect her as a person %26amp; you can't go wrong. Pucker up!
Catholics don't consider kissing as sex, you can do whatever you want.

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