Because I found a book on Jesus but it's written by a catholic so I don't know if it's valid or not.Are christians allowed to get bible advice from catholics or are we only allowed to ask christians?
I am a Christian and although I don't believe as the Catholics do, I love to read their literature. Any information about the Heavenly Father I find fascinating. Read the book. Enjoy the book. Remember one thing....Any religious book is valid to those who believe those beliefs. Who's to say our bible is valid. We do. Why? That's our beliefs in who we pray to, death after life, Mary, the Mother of Jesus. I think the Pope is a wonderful man, yet he does not believe the way I do. I also believe that I will meet him in Heaven. I don't believe that only one church, one faith is going to Heaven. Those who enter the gates enter because of their belief in the Heavenly Father, not because they have a religious title on themAre christians allowed to get bible advice from catholics or are we only allowed to ask christians?
Catholics ARE Christians!! However, not being protestant Christians you might find it contains things your own church wouldn't agree with, but if it sticks to talking about what the bible says, it should be an interesting read. One big difference between catholics and protestants is that catholics rely on church tradition as well as the bible. This is not surprising as it is the original Christian church and was around before the bible was ever compiled - in a way the bible could be said to be written church tradition - so that's something to watch out for. Remember the church was around a few hundred years before what is in and out of the bible was ever finalised - protestants seem to forget that.
You're ';allowed'; to do anything you want. That being said, Catholics have a different Bible than most other Christian denominations. As far as a regular book goes, take a look and see if it contradicts anything you believe in. There are vast difference between the Catholic Faith and other Christian beliefs. As a Catholic I try to only read Catholic material, but there are non-Catholic Christian books that I've found helpful as well. Things like ';Jesus is the Son of God'; are the same in Catholic and non-Catholic literature, and things like ';Love thy neighbor'; are the same in religious and secular literature. Use your judgement.
Catholics are Christians, as the definition of a Christian is one who believes in Jesus Christ. But just as not everything with a steeple on it has God's stamp of approval, not every book written about Jesus Christ is valid. You need the Holy Spirit to guide you in the truth.
Yours in Christ, Nick
Of course.
Most non-Catholic Christian denominations accept Catholics as Christians. A very few do not.
The World Council of Churches which brings together more than 340 churches, denominations and church fellowships in over 100 countries and territories throughout the world, representing some 550 million Christians accepts the 1.1 billion Catholics as Christians.
A dictionary would say that a Christian is someone professing belief in Jesus as Christ or following the religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus.
Catholics would fit this definition.
In the Nicene creed, from 325 C.E., Catholics profess:
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten of the Father, God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Father.
Through Him all things were made.
For us and our salvation He came down from heaven: by the power of the Holy Spirit, He was born of the Virgin Mary, and became man.
For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pilate; He suffered, died, and was buried.
On the third day He rose again in fulfillment of the scriptures: He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead, and his kingdom will have no end.
We accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. We are baptized as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19, ';in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.';
We truly are spiritually ';born again,'; we just don't usually use those words.
For a complete description of what Catholics believe, see the Catechism of the Catholic Church:鈥?/a>
With love in Christ.
Are car-owner allowed to get auto advice from Ford auto mechanics or are they only allowed to ask auto mechanics.
Perhaps you should re-word your question.
If you want advice , why not go to the written word to get it.?That is what we do. It matters not to us what lobel a person is under, we are under the advice of the written word. That is why we know it so well.WE READ IT.More important than that, WE BELIEVE IT.
If it matches up with scripture, sure, okay, if not, toss it.This is why in Hosea 4:6; it states My people perish for lack of knowledge. When you don't know your ';Human owners manuel';, you will read and believe anything. know your Bible.
You should read it. Even if you disagree with a different church's doctrine, learning about others faith increases your understanding of your own faith.
';allowed';? Seriously? Allowed by whom?
Anyone who believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ is a Christian. Therefore, whether you like it or not, Catholics are Christians.
Catholics are Christian, you would be denying yourself a lot of great spiritual insights if you skipped over great Catholic writers like Augustine, Saint John of the Cross, etc.
Who says Catholics are not Christians? They have some ideological differences from other denominations but the primary message is Christian.
Incase you haven't noticed, Catholics ARE Christians, we believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord, God and Savior, and we are followers of Him.
Catholics are Christian. They believe that Christ suffered for our sins. They have some funny beliefs as well, but so do many other churches. But Catholics are Christians.
all Catholics are Christians, but not all Christians are catholic
Catholics are Christian.
Catholics are CHristian
For the 390.038.302nd time: Catholics ARE Christians
It has to contain the scripture chapter and verse and match what the bible says, then you have to research it to see if it contains the same interpretation intended from the bible, if so then yes it is Okay, another way is to study about the author and what he stood for and also match what he lived with the bible, he has to have a good reputation with well known men of God.
Catholics are fine, read it and garner what truth there is to be had there.
Of for hell's sake....
I just love saying that when I'm disgusted.
Then there's Oh for Pete's sake...
Pary before you read it....keep what is good and throw out what is bad.
God loves you....God bless
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