Thursday, December 31, 2009

Catholics! I have been baptized but I need advice?

I was baptized in the Catholic church at the age of 10 but my Mother kinda left the church and attended a non denominational church and I have no problem with that because I like this church. But we have been away from the Catholic Church for 7 years and I still hold on the Catholic beliefs, I try to pray the rosary every night and I have patron saints..ect. But I have a year before I move out on my own and at that time I want to rejoin the Catholic Church. But the question is how do I rejoin it if I wanted to?

Sincere answers only please? :-) Thank you.

God BlessCatholics! I have been baptized but I need advice?
Find a church you think you want to attend, then go talk to the priest, lay minister, etc. about joining that parish.

It's usually as simple as just starting to go there. If you're baptized, but haven't made your first communion, confirmation, or first confession, they'll need to get you started on that.Catholics! I have been baptized but I need advice?
When you are ready to rejoin the Catholic Chruch, call the church that you would like to attend, and ask about the RICA classes. It will bring you up to speed on the beliefs, doctrines, practices of the church. The person in charge of the classes will be glad to talk to you.
Simply go to a Catholic parrish church %26amp; talk to the priest... he'll tell you everything you want to know. Perhaps it will help to get your baptism certificate from the parrish where you were baptized before you do; they keep records of this %26amp; it will save you some running around time.
Simply register in the parish office--and you will need written proof of your baptism, which the office will probably find for you.

Remember: go to confession before receiving the Eucharist.


Edit: Thanks, Jon, for adding what I had forgotten.
Before you do, pray to your heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ (not to any statue or any saint who is your brethren) and ask Him to guide you.

Ask and you will receive. Wait and watch for an answer which may come in an unexpected way and if this is for you to rejoin the Catholic Church then do not hesitate. The way will be made clear to you. But pray about it first.
Have you taken your catechism? Confirmation? If you have you are still a member of the church. Just get in contact with a priest and he will guide you properly back into being an active member.
My first bit of advice is to go to EWTN's web site and go to there question and answers page for a accurate answer on line. But being as you were Baptized Catholic and once the Church is able to verify it i believe in order to began receiving the eucharist you need to only make your confession and not to worry about it as the Priest are usually very kind and gentle in helping you through it. They more than likely will ask you to attend RCIA classes then you will be confirmed.So glad the Holy Spirit has saved you for his Church..
If you want to get closer to Jesus, then get rid of idols, graven images, and false gods, false beliefs. That's what catholics teaches. I know. I was one ions ago. I gave my life to Jesus Christ 10yrs. ago and it is the best decision of my life. It is also the most awesome and beautiful experience I have had and will have in my life as well. I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. Jesus is my life. You pray the rosary; why? Why would you use what man makes to use to pray? Why would you want to pray to false gods (Mary, Joseph, Christopher, etc.)? According to God's word, if man prays to any other one other than the Lord Himself, then man is praying to a false god. I pray the Holy Spirit lets you see the wrong in these by convicting you in ways you have never known. I pray the Lord Jesus will open your heart, eyes and hears to the absolute truth; which is Jesus and His word. Don't read the Catholic Bible, for it has scriptures that was added on and some were taken out, and that is ever so wrong according to the word of God (Revelation 22:18 %26amp; 19). Please read the KJV or NKJV Bible for these come closes to the original version of 1611. May the Lord guide you and lead you in the path to Him all the days of your life. 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then all things will be added to you.'
In my opinion, the catholic church does not make it easy to join their faith. If you are not born into it, they usually do not recognize you. My sister married a catholic person and converted. She had to do a lot of things. Unfortunately, I do not remember what she had to do, in detail. You may have to convert back like you never was a catholic to begin with and start over.
You don't have to do anything to join, just show up and drink the blood of your god and give them money and they'll welcome you with open arms.

Or you could just discard all that superstitious nonsense.
there is not God the church is a lie and ur a fool!! =D

I have religious beliefs that differ so I'd like advice from Unitarians, humanists, Chistians, catholics.?

I was raised Catholic. I believe in the holy trinity and have faith in God, humanity, etc. i never got y we celebrate Mary's bday dec. 12 if supposedly it isnt worship though. maybe im just wrong. I lean more to simple christianity no?

I believe in humanity. humanism. I believe to use our brain to think and reason and act, our hearts to love for when we luv we know god cuz god is luv. i dont like how some religious ppl tell or rather condemn u to hell for ';lacking faith'; or not their religion when i believe THEY have no right. its up to god to have mercy upon us and only him. am i more of a christian humanist?

also, i sumtimes think that we really cannot know the mysteries of god. i believe what i see and seek out the truth not just settle for hearsay. agnosticism? however, thats when its all faith.

i believe in abortion, gay marriage, etc, because ppl have the right to do wats best for themselves. help.

wtf is a deist and theist?

explain thoroughly christian denominations 2I have religious beliefs that differ so I'd like advice from Unitarians, humanists, Chistians, catholics.?
You sound like a very liberal Christian. You would be welcomed in any Unitarian church.

Okay! Theist - A person who believes in god(s). This covers monotheism (Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) and polytheism (Paganism, Hinduism, and many forms of tribal worship).

Deist - A person who believes there is a god, but it does not function like an Abrahamic god. It usually does not intervene in the daily life of humans and many times deists view god and nature as one and the same. The belief varies from deist to deist. Unitarians and Confucianists could be considered deists...

The denominations of Christianity is a large subject. There is Catholocism, and Protestant, and Orthodox... all I can do is send you here to research:…

I am a Unitarian Universalist and could be considered a Protestant Christian by being a UU. However, I am first and foremost an atheist, and the Unitarians at my church love me all the same. We are a diverse and welcoming group. I'd say 1/4 of our congregation (at least in my city) is gay/lesbian, we have a Pastafarian, Christians, Hindus, and Atheists. I urge you to check out Unitarian Universalism. have religious beliefs that differ so I'd like advice from Unitarians, humanists, Chistians, catholics.?
To denominate means to take one’s name from another. For

instance, the Lutherans are denominated from their founder, Martin Luther;

the Calvinists are from their founder, John Calvin. Sometimes the name is

denominated from its most prominent quality, hence:

Charismatics, and Congregationalists. The name Catholic is

Latin for “universal.” You might say the technical name of

the Catholic Church is the Universal Christian Church.

From the beginning, the Catholic Church was called

Christian, denominating from the name of Christ, but

today, Catholic is used to differentiate from the sects who

call themselves Christian.
%26gt;%26gt;i believe in abortion...because ppl have the right to do wats best for themselves.%26lt;%26lt;

If it was best for me to kill my (hypothetical) toddler, would you believe in that? She's really annoying sometimes, and I don't want to put her up for adoption because she might be in foster care for a long time or be abused, etc.
People can't condemn you to hell; you condemn yourself by rejecting God..

There is no trinity. The Father is who God is; Holy Spirit is what he is. Jesus is God in man; John 1:1-14, John 14:8-11, Colossians 2:9-11. Read Acts chapter 2 to find out what the first church believed and practiced. There are a few churches today that still believe and practice what the first Christians did.

a person who believes that God created the universe and then abandoned it;q=def…


a believer in a personal God;safe=…
People do have the right to do what's best for themselves ... or not.

That's why there's a heaven, and that's why there's a hell.

That's also why there's the authentic Church ... the Catholic Church ... and all the rest.

That's why there's Catholics who follow the teachings of Christ and the apostles, and therefore the Church ... and then there's people like yourself.

Make up your mind already.

The Catholic Church long ago explained all that's explainable about the Christian faith, and only a few insoluble mysteries remain.

Study authentic Catholic theology, and you can't miss.

Try to reason things out in your own head, and you play right into the hands of the devil.
Hmmm, more than just one question. Believe as your heart and mind tell you. It's all good.

Most of the saint's days are their birthdays. I think it's great, more reasons to celebrate :-) I think these were a way to relieve the drudgery of everyday life in the middle ages and keep the people looking to the church constantly.

Use Wikipedia or Merriam Webster to find out the difference between a theist and a deist (not much) and check out to find out more about specific denominations or religions.
I'd say you're more of a Christian Humanist, yes. It's not like Humanism is a religion, really . . . more of an outlook or philosophy. So it can be coupled with any religion, I'd think.

And a ';theist'; is simply any person that believes in a God or gods. Theism - belief in god. A-theism - without belief in god.

A deist is a person who believes there was a being or god that created the universe, but that they do not watch over it. Sort of like, God created the universe and just left us to it. He doesn't intervene in our daily lives or anything like that.

And I can't really explain the Christian denominations, let alone thoroughly. ;) Sorry.

Is serving in a jury a sin for catholic people? i mean we aren't supposed to judge people. i need advices?

It's a different kind of ';judgment';. You are given specific rules and specific evidence and you are asked to determine guilt or liability, along with other jurors, based on either a ';preponderance of evidence'; or ';beyond reasonable doubt'; depending on the type of trial. You are not judging anyone's soul, only the presented facts of a case. If you object to capital punishment, the lawyers in a capital case will have you excused. Catholics are supposed to be good citizens anyway.Is serving in a jury a sin for catholic people? i mean we aren't supposed to judge people. i need advices?
%26lt;%26lt;is serving in a jury a sin for catholic people?%26gt;%26gt;

No. Serving on a jury, provided one does it honstly, is not a sin for Catholic people.

%26lt;%26lt;i mean we aren't supposed to judge people. i need advices?%26gt;%26gt;

We are ';not supposed to judge'; individuals as being worthy of salvation or worthy of condemnation.

When it comes to personal behavior, of course we can judge. We're supposed to judge! How can we ';instruct the ignorant'; or ';admonish the sinner'; without making judgment calls. So, clearly, we are allowed to make judgments.Is serving in a jury a sin for catholic people? i mean we aren't supposed to judge people. i need advices?
It can depend on what you are serving on a jury for.

We do not (JWs)....for one, we cannot be responsible for causing someone to be put to death. Some jury trials will be capital ones and you will be asked to vote to kill someone after the vote of guilty.

People of many religions refuse to serve on juries where they will be asked to tell the government to kill someone or that they give their permission to kill.

It is not a sin.

That's not the kind of ';judging'; Jesus was talking about when He told us not to judge.

As long as you don't presume that you can say who is going to hell and who isn't, then you're safe. As far as I know, our courts of law haven't starting damning people to hell ... yet. ;)

We make judgments all day: who is a good baby sitter, who is a bad role model, who is the best cook in your family, etc. These are natural and mostly harmless judgments.

Those aren't the ones Jesus told us not to make.

No, in jury duty you are technically saying yeah or nay as to whether or not the person is guilty. This is not judging.

The magistrate sitting on the bench looks after that department.


Michael Kelly
This is a temporal matter, not a spiritual one. Feel free to serve for is it not written, ';render unto Cesar that which is Cesar's and unto God that which is God's.
Jesus once said, render unto Caesar, the things that are Caesers and to God the things that are Gods. Also we are supposed to separate the church from the state! I don't believe serving on the jury is a sin.
In part yes, but the death penalty is definitely not right. No one has the right to take someone else's life. Even if he was a very dangerous man.
It might be for protestants, that take the Bible literally, sometimes. Some other times, they twist it like a maze to make say whatever they want
We are not judging their souls, we can judge if they broke a human law or not.

Have served on two jury's Foreman of one.

Peace be with you.
The judge does the judging. You only say which lawyer you agree with. It's like evaluating a debate.
We cannot judge mens souls but we can certainly judge men's actions.
Nope, I did my jury duty and didn't have a problem with it.
No it is good to do your civic duty. I did last month but was never called as a juror. I was wondering the same thing.
You are not judging the person, you are judging their actions. it is ok.
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  • Catholics! I could use a little advice =)?

    Latenight/earlymorning catholics-As a pagan, I'm doing a report on the methods and beliefs of the catholic religion. I'm former roman catholic myself, so my knowledge is.. fairly decent. I'd really like your perspectives, though. What would you cover? What do you suggest I research? Websites are excellent. Long answers are loved. Thanks so much.Catholics! I could use a little advice =)?
    This branch of Christianity goes back a long way. How far back? To the time Peter and Jesus are standing up on a mountain. Jesus says, ';Peter, I'm going to build my church on you buddy. Here's the keys, let's get to work.'; This is a paraphrase. Want the real words? Check out Matthew 16:19. And from there, the first sermon preached by a disciple was by Peter, check Acts 2. People came to know the Lord, and the church was born. From this point, a lot of Catholic beliefs are about Peter and his authority. Peter was the first pope, and he ruled and organized the first church. When he died, the authority of the pope was passed on to another man, a guy named Linus, and then to another guy, and then another. In all there were four popes in the Catholic church before before the end of the first century A.D. This formed something called an Apostolic Succession. While the pope today isn't Peter himself, he's like Peter because he's a direct descendant, via Apostolic Succession, of Peter. Since the very beginning, the Catholic church has been highly accepted and has remained part of the fabric of many cultures. It's hugely influential in the lives of its members. Often, people will say ';I'm Catholic before they'll say, ';I'm Christian.'; Kinda shows you the force that the Catholic church is in the world today.

    Catholics believe the basic Christian things, like Jesus was God's son and he was God. He came to save us from our sins. God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit: Catholics in the same God, Son, and the Holy Spirit that other Christian churches do. The next three beliefs are found only in Catholic church: Catholics pray to God, but they also request that Saints pray for them too. Sometimes people see the way the revere saints and think Catholics actually worship the saints. That's not true. But, they believe that Saints are in the presence of God and pray for people on earth. Jesus' mom gets a place of reverence and devotion. She's just a little lower than Jesus and just a little higher than the saints. Immaculate conception: It's the belief that Jesus' mother was sinless at her conception, because Jesus couldn't be born from a sinful women. How do you become a Catholic? You convert. It's a lot like becoming a member in any church. There are membership classes at attend and all that. Sacred text: The Bible, New American Version. About one billion worldwide and sixty-two million in the United Sates of America are Catholic. How to practice? There are seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. Baptism: Catholics baptize infants before they experience a spiritual conversion. Infants are welcomed into the church community through baptism. Confirmation: Once a person has been baptized, they go through confirmation as an adult. The purpose is to offer the adult believer a chance to make a personal choice for the Christian faith. The Bishop prays that the person will receive the Holy Ghost, then makes the sign of the cross on their foreheads with Chrism, a mixture of olive oil and balsam, and asks that the peace of God be with them. Then, then person is blessed. Holy Eucharist, or Communion: The Eucharist has distinct effects in the life of the Catholic. It signifies union with Christ. When we take the Eucharist, we're becoming a part of Christ and the church, there's both a spiritual and mystical union that happens. Penance: After confessing your sins to the priest, you are told to do a penance. This is how you are forgiven of your sins. The sacrament of anointing the sick: This is the sacrament in the Catholic church that used to be called Extreme Unction. It's dedicating a sick or dying person to God. Catholics do it, but they're not the only ones. Many Christians do this. Holy orders: This is when someone dedicates their life to the ministry of the church as a deacon, priest, or bishop. Matrimony: Marriage. Two baptized people becoming partners for life.Catholics! I could use a little advice =)?
    Okay two links with lots of information for your research, the Vatican's website and the Catholic encyclopedia The Catholic catechism would be a good start, I have also starred this for you for fellow Catholics.
    Christianity…the belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie will grant you immortality, if you ‘symbolically’ eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can rid an evil imbedded in mans soul because some rib woman was tricked into eating a magic apple by a talking snake…yeah makes perfect sense
    Church traditions -

    Faith and Reason - written by Pope John Paul II

    church traditions before and after the 2nd council - google it

    the 7 Blessed Sacraments -,
    Buy a copy of the Catechism.
    Want some advice? Come back to the Church.

    Catholics, please give me some advice!

    I am almost 17, I am in grade 12 at a Catholic High School and it is my final year and I want to make the most of it. I want to do something that will make a difference to the school and improve it for future years. The way in which I plan to do that is to somehow reach out to students and help them realize that we are a Catholic school and we should be proud. However, the students at my school have little respect during mass, they talk during communion and they refuse to go to confession. Can you help me with ideas to fulfill this goal of mine for my final year of high school? Thank you so much.Catholics, please give me some advice!
    I sympathize.

    I'm a teacher at a Catholic School and I see many students being disrespectful. The only thing I can do is teach them and show them the proper way to be a Christian.

    Maybe you could convince the staff to give the graduating students Rosaries for graduation. Or, our seniors run a Christmas Basket project where they participate in community service, to help families who won't otherwise have a Christmas. Maybe setting up some type of tradition like that.Catholics, please give me some advice!
    Write fliers with dialog of your thoughts, and hand these out to as many students as possible.

    Let them know what they are experiencing as a Catholic. Convince them that the church, and God, is not something to be taken for granted. Allow them to realize the real presence in the Holy Eucharist. Show how the faith can be utilized in everyday life.

    Ask a priest or one of the catechists for their help with such an assignment. Good luck, and God bless.
    You're going to be a senior.

    Lead by example.

    And don't stop once you graduate.
    maybe they don't lap up the religion as readily as you do.
    If there are any other like-minded seniors, recrute them to help you out.

    I would opt for doing something specifically with and for the freshmen.

    When I was in my parish's CYO, the activity I remember the most vividly was the one that, at the time, sent the chills of death down my spine.

    We called them ';rap sessions';. You will probably need, for liability purposes, permission from the school to do this, on school property. If the school has a problem with this, you know what - find a place off campus and do this anyway.

    What we did at rap sessions was talk about stuff (it didn't necessarily have to do directly with religion) but we talked about stuff that most kids would find it difficult if not impossible to talk with family members about.

    There was this, ';What's said here, stays here.'; Everything said, by ';advisors'; such as yourself, or the members, was confidentional. NOBODY, was told anything outside the rap. This is why I'm thinking the school might have a problem with it.

    And I'm not talking about the garden variety ';sex, drugs, and peer pressure'; talks. We did those too but I'm talking more about teaching basic Christian morality.

    In this age of secularism, materialism, and moral relativism, teaching moral theology is where it's at. The students will probaby ';dig it'; for the simple reason that you are giving them a practical application for applying Catholic theology to their everyday life. They're going to realize how useful, relevant - and fascinating - Catholic Dogma is.

    For example, you can start a discussion about, say, moral dilemmas. Take abortion for example. Come up with a number of possible scenarios in which a TEEN is apt to get an abortion. Everyone MUST contribute when asked whether or not each person who approve abortion under whatever circumstances.

    Then get into the teaching aspect of abortion; the moral theology behind why the Church teaches what it teaches.

    Another way of doing it would be to watch a video, some religious or non-religous drama that entails fundamental questions about morality, and discuss the film afterwards in a rap-session format.

    Basically, the possibilities of rap sessions are limited only by your imagination, and/or the imagination of anyone involved.

    After awhile, when every regular participant is socially comfortable and trusting of one another's confidentiality and friendship, start inviting them to attend Masses and other school functions as a group. The more things you guys do together, the better.

    The is one rule that MUST be kept if this is going to work. What's said at the rap session stays at the rap sessions. One blabber-mouth can ruin it for everyone. If someone with a big mouth does blab, they must be kicked out, never to be let back in.

    I would definitively consider doing this. You might find yourself coming back next year and taking on the group again. If you do this, and the idea really takes off, you might want to look into getting some junior's involved, so that the torch can be passed to them next year when they become seniors.

    Chances are, you may find yourself coming back and being a part of these rap sessions years after you've graduated.

    You will teach a lot of Catholic youths many valuable lessons - that they're not going to forget.
    well my sweet little sister =) what can I tell you to help you out today?

    just as much as the Catholic Church is the oneand Only Chruch of God, established by Jesus Christ himself. through him, with him in him in unity with the Holy Spirit.

    No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him.

    it is up to each person to enbrace Jesus. as long as you hold true to your faith, the Gospels you will endure the test of time as the church has. as for the others all you candoid hope they get a clue.

    hanging out rosary’s is not a good idea for they would just end up around someone neck as a necklace in which they are not or tossed aside as these that disrupt Mass surely will not pray the rosary too.

    as sad as that may sound your concern is genuine and makes my happy to have you on myside. =)

    ';I am almost 17, I am in grade 12 '; what are you like super smart, got kicked up a couple grades ahead of time?

    I hope you have one great graduation!

    maybe you can find a good channel to talk to Jesus

    peace and love to you my little sister =)

    Catholics, please I need your advice?

    I want to be a nun but I don't have all certificate received for my communion and when I was baptism. How can I prove that I am a catholic?

    I live in England and I was born in Afica.Catholics, please I need your advice?
    Hi! I haven't seen you in a while, I honestly don't know what you would do next. I will google it and let you know.

    You know what, talk to your Parish Priest or the Convent you are looking to go into. I will pray for your vocation, with love in Christ your sister, Kate.Catholics, please I need your advice?
    Do you know the name of the church you were baptized in, or does you parents of any family member that can tell you. Do you remember the name of the church you made you communion in they would have a record of both. And if that fails speak to your parish priest or like Kate says, ask the convent in which you want to enter. God Bless you and I'll pray for you too.
    I would speak to the Novitiate you are thinking about entering. Were you confirmed as a Catholic? If you were confirmed and you have proof of that, it would work. If not I'm sure that something can be worked out, I doubt they'll turn you away! Good luck with your journey!
    maybe you can obtain the documentation from the Church where you were baptized and recieved first Holy Communion from . Try calling them and asking them if they can give you your records and they can mail them to you! Good luck and God bless!
    Since you already did it and you really want to be a Nun what would be the problem with just doing it over again? If this is what you really want to do the only way to do it is to redo it
    Go to a Catholic church and make an appointment with the pastor, he will guide you properly.
    Call your former Church, or send them an e-mail.

    Or you can talk with your Priest, I am sure he will give you some Direction.

    Good Luck and may God Bless you!
    Write or call your former church and get it done. The worse thing that they will make you do is do it over again.
    Call the Pope?

    The Virgin Mary is not recorded as having given any advice, so why do Catholics make such a fuss about her?

    NO where in the bible does it say to pray to Mary,it is through Jesus,he is the way,to the Father(John 14:6-14)The Virgin Mary is not recorded as having given any advice, so why do Catholics make such a fuss about her?
    ';Bless the Lord, O you his angels, you mighty ones who do his word, hearkening to the voice of his word! Bless the Lord, all his hosts, his ministers that do his will!'; (Ps. 103:20-21).

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    The Virgin Mary is not recorded as having given any advice, so why do Catholics make such a fuss about her?
    ';Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from the heavens, praise him in the heights! Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his host!'; (Ps. 148:1-2)

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    ';the twenty-four elders [the leaders of the people of God in heaven] fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and with golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints'; (Rev. 5:8). Thus the saints in heaven offer to God the prayers of the saints on earth.

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    ';See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always see the face of my Father who is in heaven.'; (Matt. 18:10).

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    Jesus is the only Mediator between man and God (1 Tim. 2:5), but this in no way means we cannot or should not ask our fellow Christians to pray with us and for us (1 Tim. 2:1-4), including those Christians in heaven, who have already had their sanctification completed.

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    ';[t]he prayer of a righteous man has great power in its effects'; (Jas. 5:16).

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    I believe the Truth; part of which I have presented to you. What you do with that Truth is up to you.

    Examine your conscience; you will see that it is not the Truth you seek; you merely want affirmation for you own beliefs.

    Worship the God that Is, not the god you want Him to be.

    Report Abuse

    Because she was chosen to be the one that gave birth to the Son of God. And she did this knowing what would happen to Jesus.

    (to an earlier poster - Mary is a perpetual Virgin, before, during and AFTER the birth of Jesus)
    thou shalt have no other gods before me. no graven images,she was a virgin before she conceived but afterwards she had james and it wasnt the holy ghost then
    Well according to Christians she was chosen of all women to give birth to god, so that would make her sort of special would it not? I must say I like the ';Queen of Heaven'; title, now that's cool. Silly Catholics just won't admit she's a goddess. What are they afraid of, the opinions of Protestants? Go Catholics.
    The Blessed Virgin Mary serves as a mediator to Christ like what happened in the Wedding at Cana (sp?) not an adviser.

    That's why we Catholics ask her to pray for us.
    She told the servants at the wedding at Cana, ';Do whatever He (Jesus) tells you'; (John 2). Is this not advice? Isn't it the best advice ever given by a human being: to do whatever Christ wills?
    Maybe coz she Jesus's Mother. Not sure though.
    Because Catholics knew something that others don't. Catholics don't pray to Mary but adore her for accepting the difficult and dangerous task God gave her especially during their time with no question whatsoever and most importantly, by bearing us a saviour and took all the pain that a mother would feel for a son who died for the redemption of our sins.

    If this is not important to you, you don't have to give a fuzz about her.
    The Blessed Virgin Mary is a wonderful example for us to follow.

    She unhesitatingly said YES to God and put her life in mortal jeopardy. Her fiance Joseph could have had her stoned to death for adultery.

    Can any of us hope to live up to that example?

    With love in Christ.
    I think it is because of the all the healing wells and times she has appeared like at Medjugorje, but the Catholic Church always takes the position first to ban people from these areas! They actually chased the poor children around town.

    It is ironic that the pope dedicates his whatever it is called to Mary and ignores all compassionate teachings, doing exactly the opposite, judging humanity. Matthew Fox embodies what I see as a truer expression of compassion with a doctrine that includes reincarnation.

    I don't believe her true messages are relayed because people's ears are plugged with doctrine. I suppose it is difficult to translate a ';heart'; and thus people who experience this make up Hallmark Cards of it mimicking what the church taught them. Perhaps partly so that they will be believed. After all if they told the church something about something like reincarnation they would be called a fraud. Little doubt.

    Many Catholic minds seem to be built like the cathedrals out of stone.

    PERFECT EXAMPLE ABOVE, bible blah blah blah
    The Uniqueness of Mary as the Mother of God

    Gen. 3:15 - we see from the very beginning that God gives Mary a unique role in salvation history. God says ';I will put enmity between you and the woman, between your seed and her seed.'; This refers to Jesus (the ';emnity';) and Mary (the ';woman';). The phrase ';her seed'; (spermatos) is not seen elsewhere in Scripture.

    Gen 3:15 / Rev. 12:1 - the Scriptures begin and end with the woman battling satan. This points to the power of the woman with the seed and teaches us that Jesus and Mary are the new Adam and the new Eve.

    John 2:4, 19:26 - Jesus calls Mary ';woman'; as she is called in Gen. 3:15. Just as Eve was the mother of the old creation, Mary is the mother of the new creation. This woman's seed will crush the serpent's skull.

    Isaiah 7:14; Matt. 1:23 - a virgin (the Greek word used is ';parthenos';) will bear a Son named Emmanuel, which means ';God is with us.'; John 1:14 - God in flesh dwelt among us. Mary is the Virgin Mother of God.

    Matt. 2:11 - Luke emphasizes Jesus is with Mary His Mother, and the magi fall down before both of them, worshiping Jesus.

    Luke 1:35 - the child will be called holy, the Son of God. Mary is the Mother of the Son of God, or the Mother of God (the ';Theotokos';).

    Luke 1:28 - ';Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you.'; These are the words spoken by God and delivered to us by the angel Gabriel (who is a messenger of God). Thus, when Catholics recite this verse while praying the Rosary, they are uttering the words of God.

    Luke 1:28 - also, the phrase ';full of grace'; is translated from the Greek word ';kecharitomene.'; This is a unique title given to Mary, and suggests a perfection of grace from a past event. Mary is not just ';highly favored.'; She has been perfected in grace by God. ';Full of grace'; is only used to describe one other person - Jesus Christ in John 1:14.

    Luke 1:38 - Mary's fiat is ';let it be done to me according to thy word.'; Mary is the perfect model of faith in God, and is worthy of our veneration.

    Luke 1:42 - ';Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.'; The phrase ';blessed are you among women'; really means ';you are most blessed of all women.'; A circumlocution is used because there is no superlative in the Greek language. Note also that Elizabeth praises Mary first, and then Jesus. This is hyperdulia (but not latria which is worship owed to God alone). We too can go through Mary to praise Jesus. Finally, Catholics repeat these divinely inspired words of Elizabeth in the Rosary.

    Luke 1:43 - Elizabeth's use of ';Mother of my Lord'; (in Hebrew, Elizabeth used ';Adonai'; which means Lord God) is the equivalent of ';Holy Mary, Mother of God'; which Catholics pray in the Rosary. The formula is simple: Jesus is a divine person, and this person is God. Mary is Jesus' Mother, so Mary is the mother of God (Mary is not just the Mother of Jesus' human nature - mothers are mothers of persons, not natures).

    Luke 1:44 - Mary's voice causes John the Baptist to leap for joy in Elizabeth's womb. Luke is teaching us that Mary is our powerful intercessor.

    Luke 1:46 - Mary claims that her soul magnifies the Lord. This is a bold statement from a young Jewish girl from Nazareth. Her statement is a strong testimony to her uniqueness. Mary, as our Mother and intercessor, also magnifies our prayers.

    Luke 1:48 - Mary prophesies that all generations shall call her blessed, as Catholics do in the ';Hail Mary'; prayer. What Protestant churches have existed in all generations (none), and how many of them call Mary blessed with special prayers and devotions?

    Gal. 4:4 - God sent His Son, born of a woman, to redeem us. Mary is the woman with the redeemer. By calling Mary co-redemptrix, we are simply calling Mary ';the woman with the redeemer.'; This is because ';co'; is from the Latin word ';***'; which means ';with.'; Therefore, ';co-redemptrix'; means ';woman with the redeemer.'; Mary had a unique but subordinate role to Jesus in salvation.

    Eph. 1:1; Phil. 1:1; Col. 1:2 - the word ';saints'; (in Hebrew ';qaddiysh';) means ';holy'; ones. So Mary is called Holy, the greatest Saint of all.

    Luke 2:35 - Simeon prophesies that a sword would also pierce Mary's soul. Mary thus plays a very important role in our redemption. While Jesus' suffering was all that we needed for redemption, God desired Mary to participate on a subordinate level in her Son's suffering, just as he allows us to participate through our own sufferings.

    Luke 2:19,51 - Mary kept in mind all these things as she pondered them in her heart. Catholics remember this by devoting themselves to Mary's Immaculate Heart and all the treasures and wisdom and knowledge contained therein.

    Mary - the Immaculate Ark of the New Covenant

    Exodus 25:11-21 - the ark of the Old Covenant was made of the purest gold for God's Word. Mary is the ark of the New Covenant and is the purest vessel for the Word of God made flesh.

    2 Sam. 6:7 - the Ark is so holy and pure that when Uzzah touched it, the Lord slew him. This shows us that the Ark is undefiled. Mary the Ark of the New Covenant is even more immaculate and undefiled, spared by God from original sin so that she could bear His eternal Word in her womb.

    1 Chron. 13:9-10 - this is another account of Uzzah and the Ark. For God to dwell within Mary the Ark, Mary had to be conceived without sin. For Protestants to argue otherwise would be to say that God would let the finger of Satan touch His Son made flesh. This is incomprehensible.

    1 Chron. 15 and 16 - these verses show the awesome reverence the Jews had for the Ark - veneration, vestments, songs, harps, lyres, cymbals, trumpets.

    Luke 1:39 / 2 Sam. 6:2 - Luke's conspicuous comparison's between Mary and the Ark described by Samuel underscores the reality of Mary as the undefiled and immaculate Ark of the New Covenant. In these verses, Mary (the Ark) arose and went / David arose and went to the Ark. There is a clear parallel between the Ark of the Old and the Ark of the New Covenant.

    Luke 1:41 / 2 Sam. 6:16 - John the Baptist / King David leap for joy before Mary / Ark. So should we leap for joy before Mary the immaculate Ark of the Word made flesh.

    Luke 1:43 / 2 Sam. 6:9 - How can the Mother / Ark of the Lord come to me? It is a holy privilege. Our Mother wants to come to us and lead us to Jesus.

    Luke 1:56 / 2 Sam. 6:11 and 1 Chron. 13:14 - Mary / the Ark remained in the house for about three months.

    Rev 11:19 - at this point in history, the Ark of the Old Covenant was not seen for six centuries (see 2 Macc. 2:7), and now it is finally seen in heaven. The Jewish people would have been absolutely amazed at this. However, John immediately passes over this fact and describes the ';woman'; clothed with the sun in Rev. 12:1. John is emphasizing that Mary is the Ark of the New Covenant and who, like the Old ark, is now worthy of veneration and praise. Also remember that Rev. 11:19 and Rev. 12:1 are tied together because there was no chapter and verse at the time these texts were written.

    Rev 12:1 - the ';woman'; that John is describing is Mary, the Ark of the New Covenant, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, so Mary, with the moon under her feet, reflects the glory of the Sun of Justice, Jesus Christ.

    Rev. 12:17 - this verse tells us that Mary's offspring are those who keep God's commandments and bear testimony to Jesus. This demonstrates, as Catholics have always believed, that Mary is the Mother of all Christians.

    Rev. 12:2 - Some Protestants argue that, because the woman had birth pangs, she was a woman with sin. However, Revelation is apocalyptic literature unique to the 1st century. It contains varied symbolism and multiple meanings of the woman (Mary, the Church and Israel). The birth pangs describe both the birth of the Church and Mary's offspring being formed in Christ. Mary had no birth pangs in delivering her only Son Jesus.

    Isaiah 66:7 - for example, we see Isaiah prophesying that before she (Mary) was in labor she gave birth; before her pain came upon her she was delivered of a son (Jesus). This is a Marian prophecy of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ.

    Gal 4:19 - Paul also describes his pain as birth pangs in forming the disciples in Christ. Birth pangs describe formation in Christ.

    Rom. 8:22 - also, Paul says the whole creation has been groaning in travail before the coming of Christ. We are all undergoing birth pangs because we are being reborn into Jesus Christ.

    Jer. 13:21 - Jeremiah describes the birth pangs of Israel, like a woman in travail. Birth pangs are usually used metaphorically in the Scriptures.

    Hos. 13:12-13 - Ephraim is also described as travailing in childbirth for his sins. Again, birth pangs are used metaphorically.

    Micah 4:9-10 - Micah also describes Jerusalem as being seized by birth pangs like a woman in travail.

    Rev. 12:13-16 - in these verses, we see that the devil still seeks to destroy the woman even after the Savior is born. This proves Mary is a danger to satan, even after the birth of Christ. This is because God has given her the power to intercede for us, and we should invoke her assistance in our spiritual lives.

    Mary is our Mother and Queen of the New Davidic Kingdom

    John 19:26 - Jesus makes Mary the Mother of us all as He dies on the Cross by saying ';behold your mother.'; Jesus did not say ';John, behold your mother'; because he gave Mary to all of us, his beloved disciples. All the words that Jesus spoke on Cross had a divine purpose. Jesus was not just telling John to take care of his mother.

    Rev. 12:17 - this verse proves the meaning of John 19:26. The ';woman's'; (Mary's) offspring are those who follow Jesus. She is our Mother and we are her offspring in Jesus Christ. The master plan of God's covenant love for us is family. But we cannot be a complete family with the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Christ without the Motherhood of Mary.

    John 2:3 - this is a very signifcant verse in Scripture. As our mother, Mary tells all of us to do whatever Jesus tells us. Further, Mary's intercession at the marriage feast in Cana triggers Jesus' ministry and a foreshadowing of the Eucharistic celebration of the Lamb. This celebration unites all believers into one famiy through the marriage of divinity and humanity.

    John 2:7 - Jesus allows His mother to intercede for the people on His behalf, and responds to His mother's request by ordering the servants to fill the jars with water.

    Psalm 45:9 - the psalmist teaches that the Queen stands at the right hand of God. The role of the Queen is important in God's kingdom. Mary the Queen of heaven is at the right hand of the Son of God.

    1 Kings 2:17, 20 - in the Old Testament Davidic kingdom, the King does not refuse his mother. Jesus is the new Davidic King, and He does not refuse the requests of his mother Mary, the Queen.

    1 Kings 2:18 - in the Old Testament Davidic kingdom, the Queen intercedes on behalf of the King's followers. She is the Queen Mother (or ';Gebirah';). Mary is our eternal Gebirah.

    1 Kings 2:19 - in the Old Testament Davidic kingdom the King bows down to his mother and she sits at his right hand. We, as children of the New Covenant, should imitate our King and pay the same homage to Mary our Mother. By honoring Mary, we honor our King, Jesus Christ.

    1 Kings 15:13 - the Queen Mother is a powerful position in Israel's royal monarchy. Here the Queen is removed from office. But now, the Davidic kingdom is perfected by Jesus, and our Mother Mary is forever at His right hand.

    2 Chron. 22:10 - here Queen Mother Athalia destroys the royal family of Judah after she sees her son, King Ahaziah, dead. The Queen mother plays a significant role in the kingdom.

    Neh. 2:6 - the Queen Mother sits beside the King. She is the primary intercessor before the King.
    Because she was chosen by god to carry his only son – he obviously thought a lot of her...
    Well, the first commandment is thou shall not have any Gods beside me. So of coarse people generally like to brake rules in order. LOL. I have to say most religions I know add someone or something to God they just don't seem to think he can do it on his own. Even though he does not need help. Remember he created everything on his own.

    Mary was a woman blessed beyond all others so Catholics see her as someone to help mediate between their heart and God. Same with all the saints. But saints and humans are only of use when alive. Most Christians seem to think they need a mediator. They think God does not see their thoughts and heart without help. And they hope to cover the ugliness that all humans posses. I know, God, who created all is above all. So I hope that answers your question.
    Its human natiure.

    Catholics, I need your advice on this family situation?

    I'm asking Catholics specifically because it pertains to some of my family members who are devout Catholics.

    My grandmother, a devout Catholic (she goes to church everyday literally), has been married to my grandfather for so many years, and the thing is he's very, very abusive and he's been that way for so long. He was like that to my mother, my aunts, my mom's brother, even me and my cousins. He name-calls, picks fights, doesn't care if he starts in front of guests, so you basically get the picture, he's a jerk.

    Thing is, my aunt and grandmother, both devout Catholics, seem to feel that people are going to be ';judged'; and be punished, but don't seem to want to believe that he will be punished as well. My aunt especially, along with my mom, defends him, saying he had a bad childhood and my aunt, fundamentalist she is, says its not him but demons. I personally think that's a crock of bs, he's made his choices, regardless of childhood he knows he hurts people, and he gets off on it.

    How can I explain to those two (well more so my aunt because she's in denial) that if the world is the way they believe, that he's going to have to answer to what he's done and he's going to have to take responsibility too? How can I explain it to them that its not okay what's he's done from a Catholic perspective?Catholics, I need your advice on this family situation?
    It's not a ';Catholic'; issue. If you've studied psychology, you are doubtless aware of the human mind's capacity to delude itself to avoid feeling worse. Apparently this man provides something that they fear losing (perhaps an income?). Consider the generation they were raised in. The zeitgeist of an entire era is hard to overcome, Very possibly, they forgive his abuse out of fear that he would abandon his wife to a more uncertain fate. It doesn't have to be a rational fear, just an unwillingness to see things objectively. And if you ';attack'; him, you're attacking her reasons for staying with him.

    Just because she has more options than in the old days, doesn't mean she can take them seriously. One Catholic issue that DOES pertain is the permanence of marriage. Were she to leave him, it would be an admission of ';failure'; on her part to maintain the marriage. As long as she is willing to put up with his abuse, there is little you can do but express your opinions about his behavior (not hers!), unless he gets seriously physical. Battery is much easier to prove in court than psychological abuse. But without the cooperation of the victim, you won't get far. One of the great injustices of the world is that there are so many jerks who get away with it. Do what you can to support her, make sure she knows her options, but allow her to make her own choices.Catholics, I need your advice on this family situation?
    Being enablers does not have anything to do with Being Catholic, except that they are more forgiving.

    Your parents might have more clout with the fam than you. Perhaps you could appeal to them to get grandpa in to the doctor and evaluated. He could have long term depression, PTSD or just need therapy to get out of his negative relating.
    Catholicism tells us to take responsiblity for our lives and not to be doormats and occasions of sin to those who are'; behaviorly challenged';

    Jesus said to shake the dust from our feet( that is, do not keep banging your head against a wall of hostility and cruelty)
    I understand your concern, but why are you focusing on your aunt and grandmother? They cannot change the man. They are doing their best to cope in as loving as a manner as they can muster.

    I am certain that your grandmother prays for her husband daily. She may be doing other things for the sake of his soul as well. Don't stop her from doing this. It's a good thing.

    If you really want things to change, the person you need to be addressing is your grandfather. He's the one who needs a reality check.
    First, to get away with this behavior, he is also giving something THEY value in equal amount. (B.F. Skinner)

    Since your grandmother goes to Mass daily, she is finding the nourishment for her soul, mind, and body to fight against the negative, demon's he's spitting out.

    I would say that it's not your aunt and grand mother who is being punished because they are the saviors ... who else is going to save this jerk? Certainly isn't you! Catholic is more than the personal relationship we each have with Jesus. Catholic is striving to save everyone ... even this jerk ... ';Eternal father, I offer you the body, blood, soul, and divinity of your dearly beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in offering for our sins and the sins of the whole world ... for the sake of His Sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world'; (Faustina).

    However, as a family member, I urge you to uncover the ways that your aunt and grandmother are enabling this situation ... because being an enabler is hurting the one they'ree trying to save and keeping him from Jesus. It will be painful ... but so was His Passion.
    Honestly, I would talk to their local priest and see if he can talk to them. The Catholic Church does not condone that sort of behavior. Your grandmother, aunt, etc. are victims and don't want to see the bad. If you have studied psychology you already know this. Your grandmother and aunt, especially, need counseling to help them get over their victimhood and go on with their lives. I am not necessarily talking divorce (which I know your grandmother could never agree to), but simply counseling for the mental health of your mom, aunt and grandmother. Priests are trained as counselors and, if nothing else, could possibly set your grandmother and aunt at least thinking about it, as the priest is an authority figure to your grandmother and aunt
    If you are the only one seeing all this (his actions as bad), and none of the women in your family see it like that you are fighting an uphill battle.

    You need to hear what the women are telling you even if you don't like the answer it is their life, and I really don't see any of them changing. Perhaps what you are struggling with is you see the women in your family as weak, but for them to stay and love and understand him with his faults that sounds like compassion.

    My guess is he needs them more than you realize.
    You're right, the demons thing IS a load of BS.

    Unfortunately, no matter what you say, they won't believe you. You can refuse to see him, talk to him, have anything to do with him and get your cousins to do the same so the rest of your family sees how serious you are, though. At the very least it'll protect you from his douchiness. (That's a word now.)
    Okay first of all are you living with this guy or not?

    If you are not then you have no reason to judge him. He is what we used to call a ';grouchy and bitter ' old man. If they can handle it then you got no business sticking your nose in their business. If they didn't want to deal with the trials they would have walked out.

    My grandmother did this when my grandfather started beating her, so there is worse than to live with than just a guy that mouths off all the time.

    Heck with psychology, you have conflicting personalities with him, you obviously don't get along, you wont' see any good in him so I would say your a bit too prejudice in this case to make a judgment call.
    I think the best way to get through to these people is to see if you can get them to sit down with their parish priest to hear it from him. If they are devout, he would be someone whose opinion they would respect. And I can tell you, having recently spoken with my priest on a similar matter, myself, I'm quite certain the priest would condemn the behavior as completely unacceptable and could direct them further on what to do from there.
    All you can do is tell them how you feel. You can not save someone who does not ask for help. She may be on this site asking how to make her nephew see the good in her father. There is good in everyone and even if you can't see it there is. You have to realize they are all coming from a different time. There was no site were men could ask questions about situations with there family, or talk about there bad childhood. They just held it in. You might want to try telling yourself, that god doesn't judge people till they are dead, so niether should you (from my grandmother). And you never know he could save a school bus of kids right before he dies. It seems to me you just want everyone to hate him how you do, but you have to realize he is a human just like you. He was 21 and from the sound of it probable hated his grandfather. So try talking to him, if he is just an ***, be one back and have no apologizes for your actions to him. Then ask him if he enjoyed it.
    Remember that you cannot see this man's soul, only his actions. For all we know, he could be in the confessional every weekend, truly repentant for his sins but unable to resist temptation.

    That does not excuse his abusive behavior, but we just don't know how things stand between him and God.

    Pray for him, and your grandmother. I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for years. For a long time I simply made myself blind to the abuse. I also gave my abuser every benefit of the doubt and believed any excuse that presented itself for why things were so wrong. You want to think the best of those you love and trust. It's a way our brains have of shielding us from pain.

    Telling her isn't as effective as her seeing it for herself. That may never happen, but you can always pray for her.
    That's why I don't go to church. Too many nuts inside.
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  • Catholics out there? Prayers and advice please?

    My sister and brother in law have pretty much left the church. They have a beautiful baby and one on the way. There are no plans for baptism and I think they plan on raising them with no religious foundation. I have hinted. I have said my peace but they have made up their minds.

    I'm scared for the children. Not only will they miss some formative years, but now I fear that they will be at risk of falling prey to some snake oil religion. People have a spiritual aspect that needs fulfillment. I'd hate to think of their religion being a self help book or some kind of cult or new age thing.

    What can I do? Any advice?

    Will you please pray that my sister and brother in law come back to the church and that their children get raised in the faith?

    Thanks in advance!!!Catholics out there? Prayers and advice please?
    Pray, talk to the kids when they're old enough, and try one of the conversion scapulars, the person doesn't actually have to wear it, you can pray with it, or put it under their mattress.Catholics out there? Prayers and advice please?
    the giving of birth is all the GOD they will need . the gift from GOD you cannot have a baby and have no belife so yes i will pray GOD helps them in there birth and family and to find there way jesus christ im the way the truth and the light so dont worry just be a great uncle and love luv dad
    With the rosary you can accomplish anything! Make the consecration to the Immaculate Heart in their stead....then pray!

    Oremus .com

    Contemplative Nuns at Prayer

    Holy Souls Ministry

    Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima

    Our Lady of Guadalupe

    Our Lady of Lourdes鈥?/a>

    Our Lady of Medjugorje

    Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity

    Society of the Divine Word - USA

    Patron Saints Index鈥?/a>


    The LINKS section of鈥?/a>

    Prayers of Consecration and the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary鈥?/a>

    Pray for them as I will also and continue to be an always present influence on them. God Bless
    I am not a catholic, but when I see your concern I can feel it is genuine. We all see the world in one way and want that view to be shared by others. Aren't we like young children that want all the family to stay together? You have my prayers so that it happens for you.
    My cousins must have been baptized four different times by four different people. It's a worry, but what can you do? The children are in that family that God chose for them We can only try our best in the world that we live in. I would that all infants be not only baptized, but confirmed as well, as St John the Baptist was yet before he was born. We should not be afraid to do this, but with all confidence entrust our children and all the children of the world into the Hands of God. I've baptized two children myself. All you need is holy water, (like in an old vampire movie XD) say ';I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'; and say the creed.
    Perhaps you can ask the parents if you can get some holy water and give the children a blessing with it. It's not baptism but it can't hurt.
    Continue to be a Godly example to them - continue to pray for them. And remember that its God's desire that all of them be saved and know Him.

    How to stop masturbation? seriously, I want to stop. Catholics other Christians religious people, any advice?

    i know why i do it. I am a very self-conscious 21-year old woman, afriad that i will be alone the rest of my life (I've never dated, and never had mutual feelings for a guy... usually it's the ';i like them, but they don't me'; situation) and that i will never find that special guy. I can fight myself for hours, days even, and I still fall into it. Why? Why can't I control myself? usually i fall hardest when I feel dirty. I was able to not do it for 2 years, and I fell back into it. Even praying doesn't seem to always help. Doing it caused me to fall into a depression, and I just want to stop altogether, because I don't want to be miserable and hating myself for it anymore. As a Catholic, it goes against my values so I want to stop. I'm hurting my future husband, my friends, God, and myself. I hate having to confess it to my priest everytime i mess up. I want to stop, and I don't want people to tell me it's okay to do. for me, it's not. Any advice/techniques/suggestions, please?How to stop masturbation? seriously, I want to stop. Catholics other Christians religious people, any advice?
    Go to confession- you need to start there. Masturbation is an need to start with GRACE to overcome it.

    If you are uncomfortable saying you masturbated, tell father ';Iwas impure with myself'; he'll get it. You need to tell him it has been a problem for you so he can give you good guidance.

    Pray the rosary. It is a powerful tool against evil. Remember, Mary was a mortal like us, but she kept herself free from sin. She will help you.How to stop masturbation? seriously, I want to stop. Catholics other Christians religious people, any advice?
    Go to a bar with a friend (girl) and find someone you like. Ask him if he wants to sleep with you (there are a lot of men in bars who would gladly accept your proposition). When you want to masturbate yourself again go to another bar and do it again. Do it alone doesn't make it less sin than doing it with another man. When you find someone stop it. It's better not to have fun alone. Finally, Religion %26amp; Spirituality section is not the right place to make these questions :-P
    I understand that you do not want people to tell you ';it's OK, go ahead and masturbate.'; For you, you do not feel it is an option, your value system does not allow for such.

    However, sex is a ';God'; given gift. It is not to be used lightly and there are responsibilities that go with the territory. Sex is also part of any healthy persons life. Whether it be through masturbation or intercourse with another person, it is necessary for healthy functioning.

    Compare it to food. You need food but there are healthy and unhealthy eating habits. If you don't eat you will die. You may not die from lack of sex but stress is very detrimental to ones overall health and may lead to premature death, sexual release is a great stress reliever.

    I strongly urge you, as others that have answered this question have, to seek a mental health counselor. Many churches offer this for their members. The advantage is counseling is done in support of your value system. You may be very surprised as I don't think the Catholic church condemns masturbation they way it has in the past. Also, you can make changes in your value system.

    Good luck.

    It's questions like this that make me feel nothing but pity for such devout people. I can tell that this really is making you miserable. I'm not going to mock you, but you'll probably take it that way because I'm not going to give you the answer you're looking for.

    Stop suffering over doing something natural. I'm not telling you to give up your faith, even though your faith is not my faith. Maybe god isn't answering your prayers because you AREN'T hurting god by masturbating. Before you convince yourself that you're hurting god, your future husband, and even your friends, ask yourself how this is so? The only person you're hurting right now is yourself, and not through the act of masturbation, but because of your crippling guilt over it.

    Even if you want to take every rule given in the scriptures as absolute, unchanging law (the last I knew, the Catholic church approved of evaluating the Bible in a historical and metaphorical context rather than 100% literal and current), there is nothing in the Bible that condemns female masturbation. In fact, the Bible has *very* little to say about female sexuality at all. Most of the sexual rules in the Bible are geared towards men, with the exception of bestiality and adultery (the later of which could still be argued to be geared towards men). The only condemnation of masturabtion is based on the wasting of men's semen. I don't believe we should think of things that way today, but even if you want to take the Bible literally, there is nothing wrong with a woman masturbating. You have nothing that's going to waste by the act.

    There are so many more meaningful things that you can devote your energy to expressing your faith than condemning yourself for engaging in a harmless, natural act. Please think of focusing on loving your god instead of crippling yourself with guilt, or spending time trying to stop poverty and hunger instead of trying and failing to stop an urge that, as a human, you will never really be able to overcome, nor should you have to.
    A perfect example of how religion stunts the normal sexual development of adults

    Here is a 21 year old women who's tormented because she wants to touch her own body. HER OWN BODY!

    I respect your very adult decision to not have sex until marriage, it is a wise choice. I do not understand how masturbation interferes with that decision?

    Since you didn't ask my opinion as a Pantheist on how to stop, I won't offer one. But I would be interested in the response of Christians that view masturbation as sinful.

    Frankly masturbation is a healthy outlet for sexuality that doesn't promote promiscuity or adultery. It won't result in pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases. Sometimes common sense should be used in place of religious dogma. Would it be alright if the Pope said you could do it?
    look deeply into your soul and your reason, and find one very good reason why it is actually bad to masturbate.

    if you find one (i'm sorry) but if you do, think about that reason every time you want to do this.

    if you don't find one (hooray!) then keep at it and use what ';god gave you.';
    Go to confession when you've fallen, but go regularly. Ask Jesus' mother to pray for you. Fast specifically for the grace and love of God. If you fall deeper in love with God, you will have the strength to resist the flesh.
    Woody Allen said the definitive remark about masturbation which is that ';The nice thing about masturbation is that it means that you are always having sex with somebody who loves you '; Sadly in your case I don't think that any of us believe that to be true. Although I am an atheist I do realize that religion can and does often have a positive value in the lives of individuals.In your case I don't think that is true .I think think that your religious beliefs are doing damage to you. My suggestion to you is to seek out a competent mental health professional to deal with your depression and it's causes You may even want to ask your priest for a referral to a therapist that can help you within the parameters of Catholicism

    Hang in there are experiencing the high cost of Pascal's purportedly 'free' wager. Have you ever asked yourself why you believe what you believe? Maybe you're wrong and there's nothing wrong with it. Do you blindly believe all men who wear dresses, or just the ones who stand at the pulpit?
    1. stop believing in the imaginary sky man

    2. get laid.
    This is called an addiction. I hope I have quit masturbating. I have not masturbated for 4 months now. It was very difficult for me to do as well. You are correct to feel guilty about masturbating because it is a sin to give in to your lustful temptations. Probably the hardest thing about this for me was that most everyone around me believes that this action is not sinful. What helped me was to dedicate my computer to Mary. My computer was the source of pornography for me. When i finally got all the porn out of it and replaced it all with holy articles and pictures, it was a big part of the battle. I would have been very sorry to get rid of my computer completely. I also went to confession every time I did it. This helped to mold my behavior. You must continue to pray as well. Ive met some priests who told me that this was not a mortal sin. Be careful of any priests who teach against the Catholic Church. They are confused. Continue to confess this every time. This is a very important thing to do. Also, I set up sessions with the priest outside of the confessional to seek his counseling. Perhaps the priest can help you by counseling you or recommending someone who would be appropriate to do so.

    In short, continue to pray. Go to confession every time you commit this sin, and don't forget to do a careful examination of your conscience. Remove yourself from anything that leads you to this sin (porn, other people who encourage it, situations that encourage your depression or lust). Find a good counselor who believes as we do.

    I know that this is very difficult to do. Quitting smoking was easier for me to do than this. I will tell you that although I sometimes suffer from this temptation, quitting doing it has changed my life for the better. I feel great. It is like a great weight has been lifted from my shoulders. After i type this i will say a prayer for you and i hope you will pray for me as well because this temptation continues to bother me.
    Well I have had the same problem. I feel guilty, I don't want to do it again and I continue to fall back into the same trap over and over again. I like you had a ';free'; spell for about a year or more. One of the things that I have to do to start my road to recovery is realize what triggers me and tempts me to masturbate, most of the time it is choices I make with entertainment, or allowing lustful thoughts to linger in my mind. Occasionally the drive will come out of nowhere and sometime I don't even really want to do it at all and I catch myself doing it- those are the hardest times. Basically though I think that pinpointing things that cause you to fall and start to limit your exposure to such things should help as well as developing an acountability partner. A HUGE burden was lifted off my shoulders when I actually told a friend and confessed it to someone that actually cared about me. She has sense checked up to see how I am doing many times. Also realize that guilt does not come from God, He will convict us and draw us back to Him but will never condemn us. Jesus will always be there to forgive us no matter how many times or what it was that we have done- His love and forgiveness never end, as long as we are actually making an effort to change our ways.
    cut it off.
    * There's nothing wrong with it.

    * But then again, there's nothing wrong with sex either.

    * You're not hurting anybody. If I were your future husband, why would I want you to suffer before I met you? That would make me a sadist.

    * Go ahead, knock yourself out.

    * Your religion makes you detail it to another person? I hope it's another woman, at least.
    go read http://girlwithaonetrackmind.blogspot.co鈥?/a> from start to finish.

    Babe, Jilling off is the most natural thing in the world. Enjoy.

    Anyone have ADVICE for those POOR CATHOLICS?

    who think they're christians. Also for those poor liberals/gays who think God ignores their anti-christian life style?Anyone have ADVICE for those POOR CATHOLICS?
    Catholic here. We may be poor but not poor in Spirit.

    Peace and blessings!Anyone have ADVICE for those POOR CATHOLICS?
    I'm afraid I don't. I also don't have any advice for self-righteous evangelical Protestants who have seen fit to hijack the term ';Christian'; for themselves only, ignoring the fact that they're relatively new to the Christian scene, compared to older, supposedly ';non-Christian'; denominations that have been around for a couple thousand years or so. Your ignorance of history and of common theological terminology isn't impressing anyone.

    Advice from fellow Catholics, please

    I've been a Catholic all my life, and I've found joy through my faith. I believe in God and the Holy Spirit and Jesus, and I believe in the incredible goodness of my pastor and my entire parish.

    But I have some doubts. I believe that homosexual love is as much of God as heterosexual love, and I'm not sure about abortion. Furthermore, I don't believe in hell (because I don't think a God who is infinitely capable of forgiveness would sentence anyone to eternal suffering) and I don't believe that atheism or any other religion is wrong, just another way of seeing God and living life.

    Do any of you have similar doubts? Did you explore other denominations? How did you find peace?Advice from fellow Catholics, please
    Hi. I was a Catholic and now I am a Lutheran, which is pretty close to Roman Catholicism, but they don't seem to have a problem with same-sex couples, which is cool with me. And they allow clergy to marry, which they should, imo.

    Your thoughts about God and Hell are EXACTLY the same as mine, and so are your thoughts about homosexual love being as precious as any other kind. Actually, your thoughts about non-Catholics are also the same as mine. Oh my God. I must sit down!

    If you are happy with the community you know now, keep going. But you might want to attend a Lutheran service and see what that's like.

    I wasn't that great a Catholic and I'm not that great a Lutheran, but the Lutherans seem to have less of a barrier between clergy and the congregation, and they are very big on doing things to benefit others; in that sense it's much more participatory and involved in the outside world than are most Catholic parishes. They're the nicest bunch I've ever met.

    And they have nicer hymns. And unlike Catholics, they sing their hearts out instead of lip-syncing :)

    I don't know about abortion either. And I am past childbearing age, so it's not a personal choice I will ever have to face. I've never been pregnant and in my younger years, if I had gotten pregnant I really don't know what I would do.

    I think that the US Catholic Church is splitting off from Rome in the future. That's sort of how Lutheranism began, as a reaction to corruption in the Catholic Church of Martin Luther's time. Luther didn't leave by choice; he was excommunicated, so he had to worship God in what he understood to be the will of God, according to his conscience. But he believed that the Roman Church had strayed from its original form, and I think he was right.Advice from fellow Catholics, please
    Thank you. As you can see, you're not REMOTELY alone :)

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    May I suggest you read the Catholic catechism a little each day. It can easily be found herein on the internet. Religion is not about finding your personal comfort zone. It's about true conviction. You are trying to settle for second best in other denominations and probably using the wrong criteria in this search. The fullness of the truth can only be found within the Catholic Church.
    First of all you need to believe that the bible is true and is the word of God. Then you will be able to understand what God says about those issues. You either believe the bible is truth or you don't,. If you don't you will believe homosexual and abortion is alright. The bible says homosexual is sin and abortion is too. and that is it. It doesn't change just because you don't believe it. As for hell, read revelations. last book in the bible.
    To doubt means to think.

    Hell is a state of being, not a place - based on your freewill choice.

    If you are seeking peace, than something has occurred to bring conflict.

    You need to make a good decision. If God brought you to it, God will get you through it.

    Perhaps you should be talking to God instead of us Yahoos?

    God love you.
    we ask because something in our brain wont allow us to accept false information we are shutting down and begging for the answers

    ill help you out. start studying mason (Illuminati and aliens (angels or devil)-anything out of this world which all religion have in common

    by the way fellow Catholics cant help they already gave up reason of thought in exchange for religious brainwashing how can they think outside the box and still believe in there god at the same time someone is going to hell. don't you hate when that happens
    You seem fine. Were all humans. We have a right to believe, speak and think. We all have doubts and want answers.

    Believe what you want to believe.Catholic is a type of religion. There are many rights and wrongs but I don't think you will be hurt, forgotten or even sent to hell because of what you feel.

    I do have doubts but I tend to keep them to myself. I do explore. But, don't we all? Like I said, you are a human. Just follow what feels what is best. There is nothing wrong with searching.
    your own pastor would not agree with u- u should sit with him and tell him what u just told us so he can explain it to u- either u believe in what the bible says or you do not but to deny what the bible says is wrong is to deny the truth - and the word of god is the truth- the things u r talking about r in the bible - thou shalt not kill - and man should not lay with man as to lay with a woman
    welcome to the world of the cafeteria catholic, i don't have doubts, but obviously you do, i say the cafeteria world because you choose this and that , how can you be joyful when confusion is in your heart, examine your conscience and talk with someone. god bless
    We are not put here to judge others, but to bring our imperfect selves into union with perfection.

    The Mass is about worshiping God, coming forward in whatever condition, with the promise to do better next time. To come closer to God. To leave behind that which promises to bring us down into the mud. We know our faults, and in the Mass, we know that in spite of them, God still loves us and finds us acceptable through His Son.
    im not sure about being gay but i do think abortions are wrong. its taking a human life whether you refuse to believe it is a life or not.

    once the sperm meets the egg its fertalized and capable of being born.

    however hell does exist. first of all, the Bible, gods word, tells us so.

    second of all, our god is a not just a loving god, but a loving and JUST god. god hates sin and we are all sinners. someone must pay for your sins and that is why jesus died for us. however, if you do not accept jesus as your lord and savior, then he cant take away your sins. you have to go to hell to pay for your sins, because god is just.
    I was raised Lutheran and had lots of doubts growing up.

    I found the answers I was looking for in the Bible not in a church.

    Let me suggest you check out the web site below since it answers lots of qustions not according to any church but according to the Bible.
    I did. I did, again, lol.

    I found peace by basically thinking how I interpret God (I think he loves everyone equally, regardless of race/sexual preference/gender/etc. and that Hell doesn't exist.) to be right.

    I think you and I have the right idea. :D
    Roman Catholism doesn't have a monopoly on all Catholics
    I found peace at the bottom of a bottle...
    God does not send a soul to hell, hell is an individual's choice.
    If you don't believe in hell, than you don't believe in divine revelation and judgment ... so you have already invented your very own version of Christianity.

    If you believe that homosexuality is acceptable to God, you've never learned that the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were unique, in that they cried out to Heaven for vengeance.

    And if you believe in abortion, than you obviously think that God approves of the slaughter of innocents.

    Based on all of this, it sounds as though you're confused, and that you don't really know the difference between God's authentic truth, and all the nonsense you've been exposed to from other sources.

    Let me make it simple for you:

    The official teachings of the Catholic Church are invariably correct, because the Catholic Church is and always has been guided by the Holy Spirit, in these matters.

    When your human logic or intuition seems to lead you to a different conclusion, you're wrong.

    It really is that simple!

    The more you learn about authentic Catholic teachings and practices, the more sense they make.

    I suggest you browse around my Catholic weblog, where you will find all the best that the Church (and God) has to offer.

    You've been richly blessed. Don't screw it up.

    God does not sentence homosexuals to hell. He loves them just as much as he loves us. However it is sinful to act on homosexuality.

    I believe in hell for many reasons, where do the demons go, why are there possessions etc. Also if you think about it. GOD DOESNT SENTENCE US TO HELL, WE DO IT OURSELVES BY CHOOSING TO NOT BELIEVE IN HIM, WE SHUN HIM AND ACCEPT HELL.

    Atheism is a refusal to acknowledge that there could be a God, so it is wrong based on that. No other religion is persay wrong, its just not right.

    I found peace when i started saying the rosary and saying the stations of the cross. Peace can be found when you pray to God and offer yourself for the reperation of sin and the conversion of souls.

    You want to believe these things because you believe yourself to be more compassionate or more loving than God. You are basically saying, I wouldn't do this or that, so I can't believe in a God who would. You want to make God in your image.

    You need to take into account that God is perfect. His love, compassion and judgment are without error. Ours is not. This is where faith comes in, we know we are flawed, and imperfect. How then can we judge God? We can't.

    You say ';I believe homosexual love is as much of God as heterosexual...'; well it's not up to you. God has said it is an abomination. The Church calls it disordered because it goes against the order of God's creation. Hell may seem like a really extreme punishment to us, but again, we are not God. We do not have the infinite understanding of the universe etc. So our greatest solace is to trust in him who is perfect and know that he is incapable of erring, he is incapable of of doing an injustice.

    Abortion is the sentenced death of an inconvenient human being. No human being is inconvenient to God.

    Leaving for another denomination will placate you but doesn't mean you'll find the truth. Understanding God's love isn't about making ourselves feel good but about honing our souls to be in tune with God and his will for us. We have the Bible and the Church. Instead of looking for someone to tell you what you want to hear, consider seeking to know God better. Read and research the Church teaching on hell, on homosexuality, sanctity of life, etc. and you'll see that there is more love in these teachings then in your own perspective.
    You seem like a normal Catholic to me. Catholicism is more open to abortion and homosexuality than other denominations, so you seem fine.

    Fellow Catholics: please lend me some advice?

    I've been feeling really stressed out and depressed lately due to financial worries, my family moving away and having fallen for a guy who does not return my feelings. I know that God is always there for me and that He loves me but sometimes I have trouble reaching out to Him. So, my fellow Catholics, what are some prayers, books, music, scriptural passages, etc. that comfort and strengthen you? I go to Mass every week which really helps but due to my work schedule am unable to go on the weekdays. Thanks so much!Fellow Catholics: please lend me some advice?
    Here's a novean to St. Dymphna. God bless.…Fellow Catholics: please lend me some advice?
    My personal recommendation is that you find a spiritual director, these people are wonderful in helping you find your spiritual self, and center it on the Gospel of Love.

    Many towns have certified spiritual directors, and they are great listeners, and help guide you. Usually you can get a list of people from the diocese offices and even in the parishes.

    May God bless you on this most difficult journey, I know from personal experience that God loves you so much that He will guide your way.
    I find that praying the Rosary calms me during times of stress. Even if you find it hard to concentrate on the Mysteries, just holding a Rosary in your hand and reminding yourself that God loves you is often enough to drop the stress level quite a few notches. If all you have time to do is pray is a decade at a time, that's fine, too.

    And here are a couple of my favorite Scriptures for those times when I feel like I can't go another step:

    Phillipians 4:13 ';I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.';

    Isaiah 40:31 ';But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.';

    God bless you, and I pray that He will keep you in His perfect peace:

    Isaiah 26:3 ';Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.';
    If you want something that will truly comfort and strengthen you try the book a course in miracles.

    The fundies hate it because it talks about a God that loves us unconditionally.

    That scares them a lot so they really say nasty things about the course.

    Love and blessings Don
    The Rosary and the Bible of course. '; Introduction to the Devout Life'; by St. Francis de Sales, this is a book written for the laity and has some really good insights on living the Christian life in the midst of the world. As for music, I like Gregorian Chant.
    Read Proverbs
    Put your trust in Jesus Christ, study the bible and pray.
    I'm not Catholic and I'm not going to give you a scripture but keep this in your heart, God will never put on us more than we can handle.
    Start with the Rosary, very powerfull prayer.

    And just Pray, tell God that you know that he has a plan for you, and trust in him. It can be hard, but also take time to listen. Does your Parish have addoration? If so, sign up for an hour, ours goes 24 hours, so you can sign up for an hour per week just about any time that is convient.

    Holy week is coming up, we are in Lent now, Try to make the Easter Vigil Mass, it is very refereshing!

    Be thankfull that you are not committed to a man that does not love and respect you! That can be a GREAT blessing, don't look at that loss as negative, but a positive. You need to find the person that will love and respect you for ever. He is out there and is worth waiting for.

    Money? We all have money problems, but just simplify your life and get on top of your bills. pay off the credit cards and live a simpler life. It is worth it, there is no peace in being in debit over buying all of the frivilous stuff that society tells us we need to be happy.

    Family, that is tough having them move away, just follow your heart, endavor to keep in touch with them daily, e-mail whatever you can do.

    Get involved with a group in the Church that meets when you are available, or just volunteer some time to help at the Parish, giving of your time and tallents can make your life much more clearer. As far as reading, just pick up the New Testament, or take a look through your parish library, see what jumps out at you!

    Good luck and may God Bless you and your family!

    Please DO NOT read ';A course in Miracles'; it is new age absurdity that will only lead you astray. The woman whom wrote it, ended up suffering a horrible depression before she died.

    Any book by Fr. Benedict Groeschel (seen on EWTN) is good. Here are two great ones:……

    And this little prayer book is what first lead me to conversion:…

    Peace of Christ to you!
    The Holy Rosary is an extremely powerful prayer when prayed from the heart, when each Hail Mary is prayed with love and childlike simplicity. (Many will testify to this--St. John Vianney, St. Padre Pio, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, etc.)

    Mary is our most powerful intercessor. Do not people ask their living friends and relatives to pray for them? How much more powerful, then, is the intercession of God's own Mother, who loved Him perfectly during her life on earth and to whom He remains obedient in heaven. Mary knows how to pray to God more effectively than you or I ever could.

    When prayers are said without love, they mean little in the Eyes of God. But each prayer said with love is pleasing to the Lord, for He has said ';Ask, and you shall receive,'; and ';the more you ask, the more you shall receive.';


    The fifteen promises of Mary to Christians who recite the rosary:

    1. Whoever shall faithfully serve me by the recitation of the Rosary shall receive signal graces.

    2. I promise my special protection and the greatest graces to all those who shall recite the Rosary.

    3. The Rosary shall be a powerful armor against Hell, it will destroy vice, decrease sin, and defeat heresies.

    4. It will cause virtue and good works to flourish; it will obtain for souls the abundant mercy of God; it will withdraw the hearts of men from the love of the world and its vanities and will lift them to the desire of eternal things. Oh, that souls would sanctify themselves by this means.

    5. The soul which recommends itself to me by the recitation of the Rosary, shall not perish.

    6. Whoever shall recite the Rosary devoutly, applying himself to the consideration of its sacred mysteries, shall never be conquered by misfortune. God will not chastise him in His justice, he shall not perish by an unprovided death; if he be just, he shall remain in the grace of God and become worthy of eternal life.

    7. Whoever shall have a true devotion for the Rosary shall not die without the Sacraments of the Church.

    8. Those who are faithful to recite the Rosary shall have during their life and at their death the light of God and the plenitude of His graces; at the moment of death, they shall participate in the merits of the saints in Paradise.

    9. I shall deliver from Purgatory those who have been devoted to the Rosary.

    10. The faithful children of the Rosary shall merit high degree of glory in Heaven.

    11. You shall obtain all you ask of me by the recitation of the Rosary.

    12. All those who propagate the Holy Rosary shall be aided by me in their necessities.

    13. I have obtained from my Divine Son that all the advocates of the Rosary shall have for intercessors the entire Celestial Court during their life and at the hour of death.

    14. All who recite the Rosary are my sons, and brothers of my only Son, Jesus Christ.

    15. Devotion to my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.

    Our Lady has 117 titles. She selected this title at Fatima: ';I am the Lady of the Rosary.';

    St. Francis de Sales said the greatest method of praying IS- Pray the Rosary.

    St. Thomas Aquinas preached 40 straight days in Rome, Italy on just the Hail Mary.

    St. John Vianney, patron of priests, was seldom seen without a rosary in his hand.

    ';The rosary is the scourge of the devil'; -- Pope Adrian VI

    ';The rosary is a treasure of graces'; -- Pope Paul V

    Padre Pio, the stigmatic priest, said: ';The Rosary is THE WEAPON';

    Pope Leo XIII wrote 9 encyclicals on the rosary.

    Pope John XXIII spoke 38 times about Our Lady and the Rosary. He prayed 15 decades daily.

    St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort wrote: ';The rosary is the most powerful weapon to touch the Heart of Jesus, Our Redeemer, who so loves His Mother.';
    Try the BIBLE for once.
    I would suggest you sit down for fifteen minutes each night.

    Relax your entire body and try to clear your mind of worries.

    Begin your prayers but instead of just praying for help, think about how you can actively change things and focus on what you will do to fix things and pray around help with those specific tasks.

    For instance, instead of ';help me with my financial worries';, pray for ';help me sit down tomorrow and draw up a budget to stick to, or help me look at my meal planning and decide how to streamline our menu to save money by batch cooking or using left overs, or help me with finding time to clip coupons and look for sales (or insert whatever solution addresses your financial problem).

    Same with the moving: instead of help moving focus and pray on your specific actions like what you can do to keep in touch with your family. And the guy, you can focus on two things you can do that next day to start fresh looking for a new man and getting over the old one ie: I ask you for strength to open an e-harmony accout and check it once a week or I ask you to remind me how special I am and that I do not need to let his failure to recognize that bring me down.

    I find that often folks pray for general problems but don't focus on solutions. Perhaps if you sit down, take each ';problem';, compose some active solutions and then pray for assistance with your positive actions to resolve them....I am positive that will help you!
    definitely pray the Holy Rosary, read the book of Psalms and pray constantly for guidance. i will pray for you as well. God Bless.
    God helps those that help themselves. Get your life in order, don't look for God or prayer to solve your problems, but more as an adjunct to solving your problems. You need to take positive action.
    You can't lend advice.Edit.... look up lend in the dictionary.
    Maybe you can try to get to Stations of the Cross on Fridays during this Lenten season. I think it will help you understand the meaning of carrying the Cross. God Bless...
    Talk to your preist.
    I'm only a former Catholic, but wanted to give some tips for handling stress. I find having a plan helps me destress. It lets you feel like you have more control over things, no matter how out of control the situation is. Come up with a plan for handling the various issues you are facing in life.

    In addition to that, I've found that meditation is great. Stopping and really thinking about everything that's going on, analyzing it, then being able to put it down and retreat into a concentrated calm, bringing the whirling cyclone of life to a still point helps me. I'm sure there are even religiously inspired guided meditations out there. Try iTunes,, or just google it.

    Finally, keep your chin up. It's just a temporary phase which will pass and soon you'll be able to look back and smile, knowing you learned some valuable lessons, but glad it's over.

    Best wishes.