unfortunately at my predominantly presbyterian school, i seem to be one of the few in that school of thought..
professors openly mock catholicism, saying the church ';added books that arent really scripture';...i even had a roommate tellme that there is still ';time for me to repent and attend a real church adn turn from my pagan ways';....i asked her what her problem with catholics was and she said ';just some doctrines';...i asked what ones and she said';i cant think of them right now';
she is obviously ignorant and prejudiced, but alot of people on campus are more eloquent than her in their delivery and genuinly believe catholics arent christians...
how the heck do i tactfully respond to this?Any advice for being knocked on for being catholic?
There are a couple of ways you can approach this.
One is to familiarize yourself with the common misconceptions and outright untruths that others spread about the Church as well as the very reasoned and Scriptural responses to them (apologetics), so that you have a ready answer. There are many good Catholic resources for this, books as well as web sites.
The problem is that you may find yourself in constant argument with folks, who will fire one thing after another at you -- barely listening to your response to one before they move on to another. Anti-Catholicism is pretty deeply ingrained in some, and even when presented with the truth using their very own Bible as a source they find a way to reject it.
Another response is a simple ';I'm sorry you feel that way, but this is what I believe, please respect my faith as I respect yours';. If they continue to hound you about it, bear it with patience and love -- as a Christian should -- biting your tongue against the defensiveness you may feel, as well as the pain of hearing your beloved Church mocked and maligned; this can be offered up.
For your professor, however, you may tell him with confidence that he has it backward. It was the Reformers who *removed* seven books from the Scriptural canon (and Luther would have liked to jettison more, but cooler heads prevailed).
In general, the more you educate yourself about your faith, the better you are able to defend it. But you should also keep in mind the words of St. Francis, who recommended preaching the Gospel at all times ... and when necessary, using words.Any advice for being knocked on for being catholic?
tell them it's a good thing Protestantism came along 1500 years after Jesus to finally deliver the ';truth'; and see if they detect the irony
they are looking for a fight, don't give them one. when they start up with you just smile and say, ';thats interesting'; or something like that. don't leave any room for further argument. don't try to counter, just let them say what they want and politely brush it off.
Learn more about the Catholic faith from Catholic sources.
When people spread misconceptions about the Catholic Church, tell them the truth, then turn around, walk away and pray that htye make accept the truth.
Sounds like the wrong place for you. Maybe you should transfer to a Catholic school?
Just continue to be faithful, believe what you believe in and don't ever let yourself get angry. Welcome the criticism though and find the answers for yourself.
Catholicism did add a lot of pagan traditions to Christianity to attract new converts, and then there's the parts added from pure greed and lust for power.
Like the concept of the pope being god on earth. Clearly that has no bibilical basis and in fact is in direct opposition to much of what Jesus supposedly taught.
Or something as simple as ';confession'; when the bible quotes jesus as saying ';no man comes unto the father but by me';
But Catholics are Christians.. it's just a rather twisted version.
Go to www.scripturecatholic.com. This website shows the Biblical origin of Catholic beliefs and practices. Go this this website, read it's content, and print the pages out so, the next time one of these non-Catholic ';know-it-alls'; comes along, you can give them some reading material to contemplate.
While, this won't change their beliefs, they will have a difficult time disputing the material you give them.
Eventually, they will leave you alone.
Well, I'm not Catholic, I'm Protestant, but I respect Catholicism quite a bit. If you've really put your trust in Christ, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Some people carry on like we're reighting the Reformation.
However, I think you've got to figure out what action you're going to take based on where you are.
First, I'd reccomend studying and understanding your Faith as fully as you possibly can. Understand, as well, the reasons for their objections. Because right now, it sounds like you're really feeling picked on, because you don't even understand what their talking about. I'm including a link to Catholic Answers. Go there and you'll understand more about your faith and what's being said about it. You don't need to respond to it, but you need to understand what's being said and what the actual answer is, because it sounds like this is planting doubts in your mind and you feel absolutely assaulted with no way to understand what's going on.
If you understand the issues being raised and what they're actually saying, it's not going to feel so bad.
I also think you have to really decide if this is a healthy environment. If folks are just going to bash you without any real love, than you have to consider, ';Do I really want to go to school here, or is there a college where I'm going to be allowed to grow and be loved for who I am in Christ?'; That's a question, you'll want to give some consideration to, if it continues and if understanding your faith better doesn't help.
Do you read the Word? Follow along.
infant baptism:
Acts 8:35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. 36 Now as they went down the road, they came to some water. And the eunuch said, “See, here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?”
37 Then Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.”
And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”
Everyone in the bible was baptized as an adult, including Jesus because they had to make a decision. Being an infant hinders a person from being baptized because they can't choose yet. Baby dedication is biblical but baby baptism is a cult practice.
praying to saints:
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,
The bible says that Mary was ';favored'; and that we should only pray to God, Jesus Christ.
Bible teaches that there is a heaven for those who believe in God and hell for those who reject God. Babies go to heaven as David said of his dead infant son, ';I go to be with him.';
There are no arguments between us. There is only what we say and what the Word of God does.
I would just say, attacking my beliefs isn't a very christianly thing to do. that normally gets people to shut it..
When i was young a preist told me '; You don't have to be the St. Michael of the Catholic Church, because the church has been her for almost 2,00 years, it defends itself fine!'; my advice to you is just turn the other cheek, while our church has been here for so long, you should ask that girl how long her church has been around,she probably is going to a church made by some middle aged old man, who needed some money. Don't re-act to arrogance like that because they don't know what they are saying!
*** I had that problem with a bahptist frend once, and we go into a debate and i won, the next day he attended Catholic Mass and still goes to this day! ***
-peace in christ-
Catholics should not call priest and pope their father!
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