But I have some doubts. I believe that homosexual love is as much of God as heterosexual love, and I'm not sure about abortion. Furthermore, I don't believe in hell (because I don't think a God who is infinitely capable of forgiveness would sentence anyone to eternal suffering) and I don't believe that atheism or any other religion is wrong, just another way of seeing God and living life.
Do any of you have similar doubts? Did you explore other denominations? How did you find peace?Advice from fellow Catholics, please
Hi. I was a Catholic and now I am a Lutheran, which is pretty close to Roman Catholicism, but they don't seem to have a problem with same-sex couples, which is cool with me. And they allow clergy to marry, which they should, imo.
Your thoughts about God and Hell are EXACTLY the same as mine, and so are your thoughts about homosexual love being as precious as any other kind. Actually, your thoughts about non-Catholics are also the same as mine. Oh my God. I must sit down!
If you are happy with the community you know now, keep going. But you might want to attend a Lutheran service and see what that's like.
I wasn't that great a Catholic and I'm not that great a Lutheran, but the Lutherans seem to have less of a barrier between clergy and the congregation, and they are very big on doing things to benefit others; in that sense it's much more participatory and involved in the outside world than are most Catholic parishes. They're the nicest bunch I've ever met.
And they have nicer hymns. And unlike Catholics, they sing their hearts out instead of lip-syncing :)
I don't know about abortion either. And I am past childbearing age, so it's not a personal choice I will ever have to face. I've never been pregnant and in my younger years, if I had gotten pregnant I really don't know what I would do.
I think that the US Catholic Church is splitting off from Rome in the future. That's sort of how Lutheranism began, as a reaction to corruption in the Catholic Church of Martin Luther's time. Luther didn't leave by choice; he was excommunicated, so he had to worship God in what he understood to be the will of God, according to his conscience. But he believed that the Roman Church had strayed from its original form, and I think he was right.Advice from fellow Catholics, please
Thank you. As you can see, you're not REMOTELY alone :)
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May I suggest you read the Catholic catechism a little each day. It can easily be found herein on the internet. Religion is not about finding your personal comfort zone. It's about true conviction. You are trying to settle for second best in other denominations and probably using the wrong criteria in this search. The fullness of the truth can only be found within the Catholic Church.
First of all you need to believe that the bible is true and is the word of God. Then you will be able to understand what God says about those issues. You either believe the bible is truth or you don't,. If you don't you will believe homosexual and abortion is alright. The bible says homosexual is sin and abortion is too. and that is it. It doesn't change just because you don't believe it. As for hell, read revelations. last book in the bible.
To doubt means to think.
Hell is a state of being, not a place - based on your freewill choice.
If you are seeking peace, than something has occurred to bring conflict.
You need to make a good decision. If God brought you to it, God will get you through it.
Perhaps you should be talking to God instead of us Yahoos?
God love you.
we ask because something in our brain wont allow us to accept false information we are shutting down and begging for the answers
ill help you out. start studying mason (Illuminati and aliens (angels or devil)-anything out of this world which all religion have in common
by the way fellow Catholics cant help they already gave up reason of thought in exchange for religious brainwashing how can they think outside the box and still believe in there god at the same time someone is going to hell. don't you hate when that happens
You seem fine. Were all humans. We have a right to believe, speak and think. We all have doubts and want answers.
Believe what you want to believe.Catholic is a type of religion. There are many rights and wrongs but I don't think you will be hurt, forgotten or even sent to hell because of what you feel.
I do have doubts but I tend to keep them to myself. I do explore. But, don't we all? Like I said, you are a human. Just follow what feels what is best. There is nothing wrong with searching.
your own pastor would not agree with u- u should sit with him and tell him what u just told us so he can explain it to u- either u believe in what the bible says or you do not but to deny what the bible says is wrong is to deny the truth - and the word of god is the truth- the things u r talking about r in the bible - thou shalt not kill - and man should not lay with man as to lay with a woman
welcome to the world of the cafeteria catholic, i don't have doubts, but obviously you do, i say the cafeteria world because you choose this and that , how can you be joyful when confusion is in your heart, examine your conscience and talk with someone. god bless
We are not put here to judge others, but to bring our imperfect selves into union with perfection.
The Mass is about worshiping God, coming forward in whatever condition, with the promise to do better next time. To come closer to God. To leave behind that which promises to bring us down into the mud. We know our faults, and in the Mass, we know that in spite of them, God still loves us and finds us acceptable through His Son.
im not sure about being gay but i do think abortions are wrong. its taking a human life whether you refuse to believe it is a life or not.
once the sperm meets the egg its fertalized and capable of being born.
however hell does exist. first of all, the Bible, gods word, tells us so.
second of all, our god is a not just a loving god, but a loving and JUST god. god hates sin and we are all sinners. someone must pay for your sins and that is why jesus died for us. however, if you do not accept jesus as your lord and savior, then he cant take away your sins. you have to go to hell to pay for your sins, because god is just.
I was raised Lutheran and had lots of doubts growing up.
I found the answers I was looking for in the Bible not in a church.
Let me suggest you check out the web site below since it answers lots of qustions not according to any church but according to the Bible.
I did. I did, again, lol.
I found peace by basically thinking how I interpret God (I think he loves everyone equally, regardless of race/sexual preference/gender/etc. and that Hell doesn't exist.) to be right.
I think you and I have the right idea. :D
Roman Catholism doesn't have a monopoly on all Catholics
I found peace at the bottom of a bottle...
God does not send a soul to hell, hell is an individual's choice.
If you don't believe in hell, than you don't believe in divine revelation and judgment ... so you have already invented your very own version of Christianity.
If you believe that homosexuality is acceptable to God, you've never learned that the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah were unique, in that they cried out to Heaven for vengeance.
And if you believe in abortion, than you obviously think that God approves of the slaughter of innocents.
Based on all of this, it sounds as though you're confused, and that you don't really know the difference between God's authentic truth, and all the nonsense you've been exposed to from other sources.
Let me make it simple for you:
The official teachings of the Catholic Church are invariably correct, because the Catholic Church is and always has been guided by the Holy Spirit, in these matters.
When your human logic or intuition seems to lead you to a different conclusion, you're wrong.
It really is that simple!
The more you learn about authentic Catholic teachings and practices, the more sense they make.
I suggest you browse around my Catholic weblog, where you will find all the best that the Church (and God) has to offer.
You've been richly blessed. Don't screw it up.
God does not sentence homosexuals to hell. He loves them just as much as he loves us. However it is sinful to act on homosexuality.
I believe in hell for many reasons, where do the demons go, why are there possessions etc. Also if you think about it. GOD DOESNT SENTENCE US TO HELL, WE DO IT OURSELVES BY CHOOSING TO NOT BELIEVE IN HIM, WE SHUN HIM AND ACCEPT HELL.
Atheism is a refusal to acknowledge that there could be a God, so it is wrong based on that. No other religion is persay wrong, its just not right.
I found peace when i started saying the rosary and saying the stations of the cross. Peace can be found when you pray to God and offer yourself for the reperation of sin and the conversion of souls.
You want to believe these things because you believe yourself to be more compassionate or more loving than God. You are basically saying, I wouldn't do this or that, so I can't believe in a God who would. You want to make God in your image.
You need to take into account that God is perfect. His love, compassion and judgment are without error. Ours is not. This is where faith comes in, we know we are flawed, and imperfect. How then can we judge God? We can't.
You say ';I believe homosexual love is as much of God as heterosexual...'; well it's not up to you. God has said it is an abomination. The Church calls it disordered because it goes against the order of God's creation. Hell may seem like a really extreme punishment to us, but again, we are not God. We do not have the infinite understanding of the universe etc. So our greatest solace is to trust in him who is perfect and know that he is incapable of erring, he is incapable of of doing an injustice.
Abortion is the sentenced death of an inconvenient human being. No human being is inconvenient to God.
Leaving for another denomination will placate you but doesn't mean you'll find the truth. Understanding God's love isn't about making ourselves feel good but about honing our souls to be in tune with God and his will for us. We have the Bible and the Church. Instead of looking for someone to tell you what you want to hear, consider seeking to know God better. Read and research the Church teaching on hell, on homosexuality, sanctity of life, etc. and you'll see that there is more love in these teachings then in your own perspective.
You seem like a normal Catholic to me. Catholicism is more open to abortion and homosexuality than other denominations, so you seem fine.
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