A Catholic friend comes to you for advice.She was impregnant by her boyfriend and is pressured by him to have abortion. Her parents do not know yet.She wants to keep the baby. She is bothered by:
1. Her parents are very strict and might disown her if they find out she is pregnant.
2. She has excellent reputation. If she goes through pregnancy,others will look down on her.
3. She wants to keep the baby but her boyfriend doe not want to marry her.WHAT WOULD YOU ADVICE HER?A Catholic friend comes to you for advice.She was impregnant by her boyfriend and is pressured by him to have ?
She wants to keep the baby, so that is what she should do. If she goes against her own feelings about it, she will end up regretting it and have guilt for the rest of her life. Abortion is final. No turning back. No bringing the little one back.
This situation can seem like the end of the world, but people soon get used to the idea. Her parents may be very strict, but that is probably just because they wanted to save her from this very dilemma. Once they get over the initial shock, they may surprise her in their attitude and support. She's a Catholic, so presumably her parents are too. That means that if they are true to their faith, they would not want her to abort the baby either.
And she should definitely not have an abortion to suit her boyfriend or to appease others who might look down on her. Those kind of people are not worth it, and if she has friends, true friends, they will stick by her.
Plus even if her parents do disapprove, I think once their grandchild has arrived they will see things differently. And so will she. She'll find a new courage for dealing with others, because she will be a mum, and mums know how to fight for their cubs :)
By the way, I heard the story of a priest on TV once. He had a 14 year old come to him with a similar problem. He said his first instinct was to tell her to abort because she was so young and came from a socially disadvantaged background; but of course he was a priest and had to go by the Catholic advice on it. So he suggested she have it. The girl did have the child, and the priest said that many years later he met him. He'd become a doctor and was saving lives.A Catholic friend comes to you for advice.She was impregnant by her boyfriend and is pressured by him to have ?
Abortion is not the answer at all. It's her right to choose because it's her body, and her boyfriend really doesn't having any power at this stage in the . I'm sure that her parents wouldn't want to abort the child instead of supporting their daughter. I think that people may look down on her, but that is indeed part of life. It will look much better if she takes full responsibility for her actions, which in the end is much more admirable than an abortion. It will be a decision that she likely will always regret and will leave a permanent emotional scar.
Do the loving thing by keeping that child, and if that's not what you feel is best, give the baby a chance with a loving couple who want to adopt.
Good luck!
She should keep the baby. Her faith does not allow abortions and there are no exceptions. In the eyes of the Catholic church, abortion earns you a one way ticket to Hell immediately. For the safety of her soul according to her faith she cannot have an abortion.
She needs to tell her parents and they may hate her for it but I don't think they will disown her. They can get her help and make sure her baby is healthy.
If she is afraid that she won't be able to take care of her baby without her boyfriend's support then she can always look into adoption. Adoption is a great option!
If she resolves to keep her baby then she really needs to tell her parents so they can support her through the whole process.
Good luck to her and I will pray for her.
i'm catholic and my parents would also probably disown me if i were to get pregnant. the best advice you can give her is to NOT have a abortion. her boyfriendboyfriend's stop trying to play God. he can't decide wether this child deserves to live or die. it's not his choice, nor is it hers. If god allowed this pregnancy to happen, then he has a good plan and reason for it. there are so many different organizations that work with single mothers. there are defintitly many better choices she has than to kill her own little miracle. also remind her that if she did have an abortion, knowing she killed her own child would be something she'd have to live with everyday for the rest of her life, and causes many women sevre trauma and depression.
Her parents will NOT disown her. Parents sometimes say things like that to try and make a point, but when it comes down to the crunch, they will stand by her. They will be disappointed, sure, but she needs to tell them.
There are pregnancy care organizations, usually run by Catholics, that can offer her advice and help. Try and find one, and get her to it. She needs to talk to someone who knows what she's going through. At the very least, have her talk to the school counsellor.
Ultimately, what she needs to do will be her decision. Tell her you will stand by her no matter what - and then do that!
She sounds like the teenager I was. If I was ever in that situation personally I would dump my boyfriend, tell my mother, and have the baby! I feel for you, it's not going to be an easy thing to tell your parents, but it's something you have to do. I highly, highly doubt that they will disown you. I know if my daughter was pregnant I would want her to tell me immediately and, although I would be disappointed in her, I would still support her 100%. I would especially want her to tell me if her boyfriend was trying to get her to have an abortion.
I'd rather have people ';look down'; on my friend for being strong and raising her baby by herself rather than getting an abortion! The boyfriend is an idiot.
Have her talk to her parents!
she will regret it for the rest of her life if she wants to have the baby but aborts it anyways...it is a very hard thing to go through physically and mentally. If she marries and has more children later in life, she would be reminded of the baby she did away with every time she held her precious kids. As far as the boyfriend- he's a sorry, selfish man. There are plenty of ways she can get financial assistance (he'll still have to pay child support, the government helps, and she can work) and she can rely on friends, community resources, and the church for emotional support (there are good, loving people out there who would love to help someone in her situation, she just has to contact them). And about her reputation- God's opinion matters, not that of other people. And God judges the heart...so if he knows she feels she has done wrong, but wants to do her best to fix her mistake and raise the child in a loving home, she has done the right thing.
Keep the baby and keep her legs closed until she is older, more responsible and finds a guy who is willing to support his own child.
People may look down on her after they find out about her pregnancy, but that is not something that she can't gain back with some hard work.
Her parents may be really strict, but then unless they want her to have an abortion, they will learn to accept it.
Leave the loser boyfriend. Any guy who pressures a girl to abortion a child, and yet still wants to have sex, isn't worth the time.
First and for most she should tell her parents. Second depending on her age and what her parents say she should prob. look into adoption because it sounds like she may pretty young. and just because her boyfriend does not want to marry her does not mean that she still cant have this baby and raise it. I would advise her to speak to her parents and look into adoption. If she was worried about what others would think maybe she should not have been having sex at all.
If her parents are Catholic, they would rather have her have the child than have an abortion. I can't imagine they would rather disown her than make her get an abortion.
She also needs to decide if she can raise a baby or if it's best to give up for adoption. Who cares about a reputation - high school is not your life forever. People graduate and move on to college and new friends and nobody knows or cares about their past life, and are not going to judge her
Whatever her and the male think is best. She may or may not regret an abortion. I have met girls with both good and bad stories of either they are better off or full of shoulda, coulda, woulda's. Ultimately it's up to the girl with the input from the guy. She should factor in all those things you mentioned, and from what you added at the end, does she want to be a single mother. Once she has weighed all those options and can live with the decision she has chosen. Then it is time to follow through with which ever path she feels best about. I think that's the best advice anyone can give without knowing the whole story. It's never easy.
you boy friend doesn't want the baby and you have to respect that how ever if you wanna keep it that means a whole lot of responsibility thats now on only your shoulders because it was your decision now i'm pretty sure if your under 18 your parents can't disown but i'm not sure on that
ultimately it's up to you but you should think clearly and calmly about how it will destroy your social life your career and your education (i'm assuming your in highschool) but it's your decision and if you believe it's importnat enough to you you should do what you decide is best
Definitely keep the baby, no matter what. The boyfriend doesn't matter anyway if he doesn't ever want to marry her, and the parents will learn to deal with it. Just let the baby live. Wouldn't you want to live if you were that baby? She would feel guilty for the rest of her life...and she would probably feel a bit selfish...at least, she should feel selfish if she has an abortion. That's harsh, but its true.
You can always always always have the baby but give it to someone else. As long as the baby is allowed to have a chance at life.
If she's keeping the baby because she doesn't want him to leave, her plan may not work. The guy doesn't sound like the type who would stick around and would probably leave her to raise the baby all by herself.
A bad reputation is hard to live with. My advice is, have an abortion and practise safe sex from now on.
I would advise her to tell her parents. Good Catholic parents do not disown their children for getting pregnant. The people that are going to look down on her are not worth worrying over. It is not their place to judge her and she knows that. She needs to tell her parents ASAP and not let her boyfriend talk her into something that she does not want.
her parents..is a big problem..if her parents care so much they will disown her ...why have sex and get pregnant?
if she has an excellent reputation.. why have sex in the first place? at least be smart about it...keep it safe
if the boyfriend is'nt ready for commitment...he should not be having sex!!!!!!!!!!
she shouldn't have had sex..now she has major consequences to face..
abortion should not be an option..it will lead to problems with future pregnancys..keep it safe kids
follow her instincts.
she is the mother to this child.
only she can make this choice because she is the only person who will have to live with the consequences.
she will either have to give up her baby with can be traumatic
keep the baby which she has to take care of for 18 years.
so really she is the only one who knows whats best for her and her child. this can be a hard trauma to cope with.
just please be there for her.
she will need someone!
well first now she knows that her boyfriend is a loser. Dump his ***. she can stile have the baby if she truly wants to and her parent will stile love her. she could give the child to some very loving parents who cant have children of there own and it would be a very wonderful thing for all. tell her to trust what is in her heart.
Tell her to keep the baby and dump the jerk. Tell her to talk to her parents. They might not like it but they must accept it. Also tell her not to worry about what other people thinks about her. She should not let other people's perception of her dictate her life.
-Good Luck!
Regardless of what she does, a Catholic priest is not going to think to highly of her.
She should keep the baby and, get rid of the boyfriend. He obviously doesn't want to take responsibility for what he did.
If she wants the baby.. Let her have the baby.
The boyfriend is a douche bag.. But that's the typical guy.
Parents are never understanding, But most will accept it after they calm down.
Screw religion.
have the baby, give it up for adoption.
she needs to tell her parents
see her priest
She faces the same problem that every unmarried, pregnant teenage girl in the world faces when they have this problem, so it's not exactly breaking new ground, here, y'know?
1. She was not ';impregnated'; by her boyfriend. She and her boyfriend had sex TOGETHER and got pregnant TOGETHER. Putting the blame on her boyfriend makes it sound as if she is not taking responsibility for her own actions.
2. Most guys tend to want a problem to ';disappear';, and tend to favor abortion as an easy solution. But that is neither here nor there. SHE is the one that must make the ultimate decision, because SHE is the one that will have to carry the baby and give birth. Boyfriend's opinion is basically worthless.
3. Her parents may disown her, but I tend to doubt it. Most kids are afraid that their parents will disown them, but the parents eventually get over it. Don't get me wrong -- they probably WILL be angry, concerned and disappointed to begin with, which is to be understood. But avoiding the problem isn't going to make it go away. The sooner she talks it over with her parents, the sooner she can get help making the decision that is right for her.
4. She HAD an excellent reputation. If she decides to go through the pregnancy and keep the baby, other people's opinion will be the LAST thing she will be worried about. If she has an abortion, it's almost certain that some folks will find out. If she decides to give it up for abortion, there will still always be some people who remember that she was pregnant.
5. She wants to keep the baby *sigh*. Why? Because she thinks she ought to? Girls are under so much peer pressure to keep their illegitimate babies these days. Personally, I think she needs to look more closely at adoption, so she can get on with her life. The time to expect commitment from a boy is BEFORE you have sex with them, not after you get pregnant.
I would advise her to sit down and talk to her parents as soon as possible. It's not going to get any easier tomorrow.
I would tell her to have the abortion because 1 the boyfriend does not want to be apart of it 2 her parents will disown her and she will not have a support network if she chose to keep the baby what is she going to to a single mother without her family around and a boyfriend who will leave her and chances are her friends will abandon her too because they probably don't want to be apart of a situation where she is a single mother who can't hang out with them anymore.
At least with the abortion she knows she can have another child when the time and situation is right. and I know that as a catholic god will forgive you for the abortion and she her parents won't know that she had one and she will still have them around and her whole life ahead of her.
Next I would say get rid of the boy fried and please use protection cos if she got pregnant a 2nd time by mistake I would say your fault and I this time she doesn't deserve to have kids is she can't control herself.
Good luck
1: Honestly, I find it hard to believe they would disown her. I think they might be disappointed, but in the end, they would accept it. Even if they kicked her out, they would eventually want her back in their life cause she is their daughter and is carrying their grandchild. Is there any other family member she can talk to confidentially. Maybe she should talk to them, and have a back up place just in case. She could also write a letter and leave it, so when she gets home from school, they'll be over the shock.
#2: Being pregnant won't ruin her reputation. Accidents happen. A friend of mine was an excellent student, nice person, and when she came out saying she was pregnant in grade 11, we were shocked, but we all gave her our support. She is an excellent mother, and due with her second any day now.
#3: Just because he doesn't want to marry her means nothing. She can still be an excellent mother and find an incredible relationship. My mom raised my brother and I all by herself. It was hard, but she was an amazing mom. She can get child support out of him to help pay for the baby, cause it is his responsibility. But he also might just be saying that to scare her to abort. A friend of mine was in this situation, but she said, ';Fnck you, I'm having this baby.'; When she was 6 months along, he came walking back. They are engaged now. They also have 2 little girls too. He was scared, but now is an excellent father.
Religion and belief before society. If she does not believe in abortion, she should not have an abortion. As a Catholic, having an abortion would be like shunning your faith.
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