Monday, December 28, 2009

Any advice on surviving a catholic girls school after 9 years in the public system?

I get A's in everything except math (got a C) and do well in extracurricular classes but am worried that the work will be a lot harder here and that I won't be able to manage the homework as I got NONE as a year 9 in public school and will suddenly be getting an hour and a half a day.

I'm used to wearing a uniform as in Australia it's mandatory in all public schools but now I will be wearing a dress, black shoes and not allowed any make up or jewelery. Also I will have a long busride to school every day.

So any advice?

Are private school classes much harder?

Should I study during the holidays?

And how can a shy girl without much ability to hold a conversation and more of an interest in science and pop-punk music than boys make friends?

Any advice on surviving a catholic girls school after 9 years in the public system?
I went to a catholic schools my whole life (except for college) It sounds like the rules in Australia are a bit more harsh than the United Startes though. In grade school we could not ware make-up or jewelery but in high school we didn't even have uniforms, just a dress code but we could ware nain polish make-up etc. I think you should test the waters and if you are understanding things than don't study during the holidays if you are not getting anything than you should. If things are too hard for you ask someone for any kinda of help. Here in the states I have heard private schools are harder than public but I could never tell because I never wet to a public school. I know once I went to college I knew a lot more than the rest of the class. I'm not that smart but I felt smart because I knew so much more my first year of college was so easy because I did go to a catholic school.

As far as friends...I know it sounds old but be your self. Find friends who are intrested in pop-punk etc. Any advice on surviving a catholic girls school after 9 years in the public system?
I have found that in any new situation, it's best to keep your head down, don't make waves, and see what's what. I went to all Catholic schools, including boy's high school, and I'm sure that you'll be able to keep up, or they wouldn't have let you enroll!

Good luck in your new school; I'm sure that you'll find like-minded people who will be your newest friends.
oh my. i'm just going to warn you as someone who had to transfer OUT of catholic school is that the weed all of the individuality out of you. my advice? ask your mother to put you in a different private school, anything but catholic. they were so mean to me there and i was a normal little girl with good grades. if you cant, then just be nice and ignore the evilness and keep your true self for your home environment. try to make friends but don't be surprised if you don't.

yes, private school classes are much harder. yeas study on the weekends, and dont worry boys will suck for a long time.

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